Chapter 55: Butterflies

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Allowing Mr. Blackbourne to guide me to the kitchen, I know that all eyes are on me as he prepares a plate for both myself and Victor. I lean against the counter slightly feeling exhausted. "Baby?" North's voice brakes the painful silence and I take a slow breath before turning around to meet the voice behind me. Had he seen my exhaustion?

"Yes, North?" I ask quietly feeling slightly overwhelmed about what has happened but manage a small smile. I keep my hands at my sides as I turn making sure not to hit anything just incase I am close to anything breakable or sharp. 

"Is something wrong?" He asks quietly as he moves closer to my side. I can smell his rich musky cologne increase and his hands moves to my shoulders rubbing them ever so gently. Letting my shoulders relax a little, I smile and shake my head. I was glad he was worried but right now I just wanted to rest with Victor and get through this day. 

"No North. Everything is okay. I am just going to have dinner with Victor tonight." I pause nervous and manage a small smile. "I hope that is okay. I am still not feeling great." Looking toward his voice, I can hear a soft grunt before I am pulled in for a gentle hug. 

"Of course Sang." North whispers sweetly into my ear making me tremble slightly. Blushing, I gently pull away and Irish Spring soap washes over me once more. Glancing to my side, I can smell the food ever so close to my side. 

"Let's head upstairs Miss. Sang." Mr. Blackbourne states with a clear and comforting tone and I nod slowly but don't move. Unsure where to go, I can feel the moment pause. Had they note realized that I couldn't manage my way around the house just yet? Unsure if I should say anything, I bite my lip hard but thankfully, Dr. Green's voice cuts through the air. 

"Will you allow me to guide you upstairs?" Nodding, I feel his hand wrap around my own and guide me through the living room. Making our way upstairs to Victor's room, Dr. Green leads me right to the bed and has me sit down. I can hear the soft clicking of plates as Mr. Blackbourne puts the food down but Dr. Green quickly draws my attention by squeezing my hands. 

"Pookie how are you feeling?" He asks quietly and I smile slightly but look down toward the floor. He had noticed my discomfort. 

"N-Not wonderful." I whisper admitting my discomfort and Dr. Green starts to move lightly caressing my cheek before placing his hand on my forehead. 

"Okay, I am going to leave you with some medicine. You take it if your not feeling well enough to sleep okay?" Nodding, I feel the soft caress of his hand once more before both of the male's leave the room. Left to my own thoughts, I listen to the soft sound of water end before the door opens to the room. 

Hearing his breathing hitch slightly, I smile as Victor enters the room. The strong scent of moss and berries enters the room with him and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter. These boys. Standing from his bed, I instantly feel his hands wrap around my waist and bring me closer. Instinct takes over and I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me and twirls around. "I didn't think you would come back up." He states quietly as he places me back on my feet making me smile.

Hearing the tone of his voice, I realize that the male had gathered himself while in the bath and I can't help but relax a little happy that he was feeling better. His voice was even indicating that he had calmed his thoughts and made some decisions as well. 

"I promised." I state easily resting my head against his chest trying to ground myself. Victor must sense my discomfort and he carefully places a hand on my hip steadying me. Gently his hands guide me to the bed and I climb up and sit carefully on my legs. Feeling a dip in the bed, I assume Victor joins me because the next thing I know his fingers are wrapped up in my hand and on my side.

"You aren't feeling well." He states easily and I nod letting him scoop me up and put me in his lap. I feel comfortable with him. I can feel it in my stomach as he shifts ever so carefully around me making sure I am comfortable. Once settled, I slowly leaning back against his chest and take a slow breath. Almost instantly, I feel his fingers slowly trace down my sides. "Well we can have a little to eat and then talk for a little while before heading to bed."

Nodding, I smile and sit up once more giving him access to the trays of food set out by Mr. Blackbourne. Blushing, I allow my fingers to skim over the different foods trying to determine what to dig in first and I relax a little happy that dinner was a burger and some vegetables. Taking the burger in hand, I take as graceful of a bite as I possibly can before setting the food back down. "I spoke with Mr. Blackbourne." I state after swallowing and feel Victor tense behind me.

"And what did he say when you spoke to him?" He asks his voice a little guarded making me pause and I turn placing my hand on his chest softly.

"He said consider it done." I state with a smile and instantly Victor relaxes under my touch and wraps his arms gently around me.

"How did you.... I don't even want to know. Thank you Princess. Thank you so very much." Victor states and I smile leaning into his chest tiredly.   

"Any time Victor. You deserve a break." I whisper softly and Victor's fingers gently trace small patters on my arm. 

"You are too good to me." He whispers. 

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