Chapter 40 - The Talk

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Ι'm really sorry for the late upload. I wasn't really in the mood for writing anything the past couple of weeks and I'm really sorry for the delay. I promise you this won't happen again :)

All the love <3


A couple of hours later Ryder and I were long fast asleep.

After talking for a while and having a few laughs, we eventually got tired and eventually –finally- drifted off to sleep. The only thing that woke me up was when the alarm went off, the next morning, signaling that my parents and I had to wake up soon to attend church. So Ryder had to leave immediately if he didn't want an unpleasant run in with my parents.

"Ryder get up!" I whispered at him, shaking him to wake up whilst trying to wake myself up at the same time.

Ryder groaned in his sleep, pressing his face further to the pillow "That's not the right way to wake up someone cupcake." He mumbled.

I rolled my sleepy eyes "I don't care, wake up, my parents will be up soon." I tried to drag him up but it was a lost cause. He didn't even budge.

"Is that what is waiting me from now on woman?" he groaned with a raspy voice, raising himself on his elbows and turning to look at me with sleepy green eyes.

I kind of felt bad that I had woke him up like this but right now getting him out of the house before my parents woke up was my only concern. "Ryder please, my parents will be up at any moment, get up."

He groaned again before finally sating up on the bed and resting his face on his hands, which I guess he did because his head still hurt from last night. I really wanted to give him some coffee to drink or at least some pain killers but I had no time for that.

"Ryder seriously-"

"Well can I put my shoes on for fuck sake?"

I stopped my whining, realizing I was beginning to piss him off. "Okay Yeah." I paused "But hurry." I mumbled before going to the window and opening it so he could get out. I hope he could. Because using the front door was a 'Hello-No' option for now.

When he finally put on his shoes and jacket he stood up and walked towards me with a 'too-early-for-this' kind of look. "Well this was fun." He said sarcastically. "Not even a coffee first? Not even a doughnut? We are not starting very well cupcake."

I rolled my eyes. Well at least his humor was back. And what was with him and doughnuts? I had to ask him some other time. "Good morning to you too Ryder. Please leave before my parents see you. I'll talk to you later."

He sighed before stepping half out of the window. "The things I do for you cupcake..." he mumbled, shaking his head amused.

But it didn't stop me from making me feel bad. "I'm sorry." I said sighing and feeling guilty that I was basically kicking him out of the house like this.

Ryder chuckled before grabbing my chin with his finger and giving me a soft kiss on the lips which surprised me a little, since as far as I knew Ryder wasn't into 'soft', romantic things like that. "'S okay." He mumbled before pulling away "I'll call you later cupcake." He said before winking and stepping outside of the window.

  "I can't believe my best friend in the whole wide world has finally a boyfriend! Her first boyfriend! Oh my god, this is so exciting! I can't wait to third wheel you guys!" Annabelle exclaimed excited when I told her the news, a couple of hours later when we were playing tennis at the Country Club.

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