Chapter One

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"Hurry up!" I hissed, leaning out of the window and stretching my arms out for Lydia to grab. The street below was so quiet that all could be heard was the soft, whistle of the wind and the distant sound of humming cars. This was convenient for our current situation.

I needed the girls to get a move on, not just because we were at risk of being seen by the neighbours, but also because the window sill was now digging painfully into my ribs.

As soon as I felt Lydia's sweaty palms wrap around my hands I yanked her up with all my strength, feeling the weight pull on my arm muscles. When she was far enough up, she pushed her body up sloppily the rest of the way before swinging a leg over the window ledge, letting out a strained sigh.

"Sheesh... remind me why we're doing this again?" She groaned, skittishly looking around into the pitch-black darkness of the room.

I raised an eyebrow, "Because we can?"

"Yeah, there might be some good shit in here" Sasha remarked, also hauling herself up onto the window ledge whilst Nadine was giving her a boost from below. She then practically jumped into the room, causing a huge thump that vibrated the wooden floors.


"Shut up for fuck's sake!" I growled, eyeing at her incredulously. Considering the amount of times we had done this in the past, I would have thought she would at least know to be a bit quieter by now. Sasha gave me an playfully evil glance before stepping further into the room to take a look around. Nadine was the last to get through the window. She was also last of us left on the ground below, 

"Need any help?" I called down to her in a hushed tone,

"Nah, I've got this" She laughed. She was very nimble therefore able to practically climb up the bare wall of the house with no help whatsoever. We were never really sure how exactly she managed this. She says it's because her parents had always taken her rock climbing when she was younger and she learned some skills from that. I don't know though, what she does seems simply impossible.

She then hopped in silently through the open window like a prowling cat trying to hunt its' prey. If there's someone you needed when breaking into a house, it was definitely Nadine. 

All of a sudden, the lights were switched on and the tiny room filled with brightness. We all froze on the spot immediately thinking we had been caught already. That was until we realised it was only Lydia.

"Hey look! I found the light switch" She snorted, taking in the look on the rest of our faces.

"What do you think ya doing?! Someone might see us" Sasha jeered in an annoyed manner, "It's almost as if you've never broken into a house before..."


"This is serious... what if someone sees!" I said urgently. I ran my fingers through my electric blue hair in exasperation and sighed. Why on earth did I hang around with a bunch of fucking idiots? Did they think this was one big joke?

I marched over to the light switch and flipped it off quickly. Lydia huffed, practically stomping her feet like a spoiled two-year old having a temper tantrum. She was probably the most immature of our group, she wasn't very bright either so didn't really understand how serious this actually was.

"You guys need to calm the fuck down... I was only having a laugh" She emphasised, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah but there's having a laugh and then there's getting caught..." Nadine murmured, the shocked expression falling from her face.

"But isn't that part of the fun?" Lydia quipped, a smirk growing on her lips. I couldn't disagree with that. The thrill and utter anticipation of not knowing whether or not we would get caught was certainly pretty exciting sometimes. Still, I didn't fancy spending the night in a prison cell... not again.

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