Chapter Twenty Two

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It was time. Time for my second therapy session with Greg. The last one seemed so long ago because a lot had happened in between now and then. I was probably dreading it more than the first one. I wasn't sure if Greg hated me or not either, because it certainly seemed that way.

Just like he had before, he offered me some tea to which I graciously declined and then sat down on the cushy armchair opposite me. He seemed to be a lot more agitated than the previous time, which wasn't helping with my nerves at all. Maybe he really did hate me. I really hoped he didn't.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Um... alright"

"Just alright?"

"Hmm..." I hummed, not wanting to look him directly in the eyes. He was back to being persistent. It was so annoying. Just because he asked the same question more than once didn't mean he was going to get different answers.

He sipped at his tea and I felt his eyes watching me,

"Now I think we should talk about the obvious... just to get that out of the way"

"What's the obvious?"

"What happened the other afternoon..."

"Oh..." I trailed off. I was praying he didn't want to talk about that. He knew what happened really, why did he need to ask me even more questions about it?

"Did Jamie... err... pressure you into drinking?" He asked, placing his mug down in front of him.

"What? No..."

"So you wanted to drink?"

Was he trying to imply I was an alcoholic? For some reason, that's how it seemed to me.

"I wanted a drink, yeah... but I didn't think I would get that drunk..."

"Was Jamie drunk?"

"No... not really, he knew when to stop" I explained. I had remembered him telling me this. He knew his limits so there was nothing to worry about.

Greg nodded intently, placing a finger against his chin in thought. I guess that was something for him to be proud of. Even after his son's dramatic past, he still knew how to control his drink.

"You know I wasn't mad about you guys drinking... you're teenagers, what can I expect?" He chuckled lowly, "I was mad that you upset Charlotte."

I didn't understand this at all. We hadn't upset Charlotte; she had upset herself by being such a moany bitch and shouting her mouth off. She had referred to me as a fucking hurricane, for god's sake. She was the one that went off the rails.

"We didn't... mean to" I replied slowly.

"I know... I know..." Greg smiled weakly. He picked up his mug and slurped at his tea. I knew then that Greg didn't hate me. He didn't hate me when I had been so cold to him when we first met. He didn't hate me when I got in trouble at the zoo and he didn't hate me now. I always knew I liked him.

"Anyway... we'll let the past stay in the past, okay?"


"Right, last time we spoke about your mum... have you talked to her since?"

"No" I replied bluntly. The truth was my mum had tried ringing me several times, but I always declined them. I didn't want to speak to her. It's not like she wanted me around anyway. She was only calling because she felt guilty.

"I think you should" He said quietly, giving me a crooked smile. I hated people telling what I should do, however I couldn't be bother to argue so I just nodded.

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