Chapter Forty Two

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"Oh my goodness..." Mum breathed, taking in the scene of me weeping into Greg's arms, "Kat sweetheart, what's the matter?"

She stepped fully into the kitchen through the back door and towards me, causing Greg to release me from his protective grasp.

"Iris, hi... I didn't expect you to be here so early"

"I caught the first ferry this morning" She mumbled, before reaching out to place a hand on my shoulder, "Please tell me what's wrong sweetheart... I haven't seen you cry since you were a little girl..."

I hastily began to dry my eyes with the sleeve of my jumper. It was one thing Greg seeing me cry but my mum was a whole other story. But it shouldn't be such a big deal, should it? She was the woman who had given birth to me after all. I just couldn't seem to remember the last time I showed any kind of sadness in front of her.

"It's nothing..." I grumbled, standing up from the table and turning to her. It was strange seeing her after all this time, I hadn't even heard her voice since the day I'd left. I had been ignoring her calls after all.

"You don't cry over nothing darling, I know you... this is something big..."

"I'm going to leave you two alone..." Greg piped up awkwardly, trying to back out of the kitchen.

"Oh no you don't, Greg... you told me she had been doing well"

"And she is..." He replied reassuringly, giving me a small smile and a sideward glance,

"Why is she crying her eyes out then?" Mum quipped. Why did everyone talk about me as though I wasn't in the room? She didn't really need to know all of the details.

"Well... that's for her to tell you..."

"It's because of Jamie" I blurted out, although instantly regretting it. Why had I said that? Sometimes my mouth really did work before my brain. I didn't want to turn Greg against me and admit I had basically broken his son's heart, but once again guilt was enveloping me. I could not hold it in.

"What?" Mum and Greg said in unison, evidently puzzled. I slumped back down in the wooden kitchen chair and sighed. I just needed to get this over and done with, although I decided I was going to leave out a few significant details.

"Jamie and I... we were seeing each other... and no one else knew about it... until this morning anyway... and well I did something and totally messed it up and now he's stormed off..."

"What did you do?" Mum asked gently, sitting down in the chair next to me. She looked genuinely concerned for once in her life, not even commenting on the fact that Jamie and I had been dating. She purely focused on me, which was weird but oddly comforting.

"Something stupid... but I don't want to talk about it..." I wasn't about to tell my own mother than I had had sex with some guy in the men's toilets of a club. That's just something you never admit to.

Mum pursed her lips and nodded silently, before turning to Greg for guidance. He was also looking baffled by my revelation and somewhat disappointed, which only made me feel worse. But his next words surprised me.

"I say you go and find him" He declared firmly after a few moments. I glanced up at him quickly. I had definitely not expected him to say that. I would have thought he'd had wanted me as far away from his son as possible.


"Go and find Jamie... he obviously means a lot to you..."

Did I mention how much I loved Greg? He simply understood me in every way. He didn't rage or yell or tell me to just leave with my mum. He wanted me to sort things out. He cared about my feelings.

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