Chapter Nineteen

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"So where exactly are we going?" I questioned as I trotted alongside Jamie. He turned his attention to me and grinned. My eyes were fixed to his mouth for a few seconds. His teeth were perfectly straight and white, whilst his lips were plump and a deep shade of pink. Wait, what was I thinking? I quickly shook these thoughts away.

"The reptile house"

"Ugh" I groaned, thinking about disgusting, stringy snakes and scaly lizards. I hated reptiles. They were ugly and served no purpose. You couldn't exactly cuddle them or go 'aww.'

"Reptiles are so underrated" Jamie chirped, striding eagerly towards the large glass greenhouse-looking building. I assumed they would have to be kept in a place like this because they were tropical creatures, but it also meant it would be humid in there. And humidity did not work well with my hair.

Jamie led the way into the building and as expected it was very warm. He paced up to one of the glass exhibit and his eyes lit up.

"Ah man, look at that" He smiled, pointing to a branch where a bright orange snake was curled around it. I turned my nose up at first, until I saw the disappointment on his face. I then looked closer and nodded as though I was somewhat interested. I don't know why I did this, it wasn't as if I was trying to please him, was I?

"Oh... um cool..."

I think he could tell that I didn't really like them but he never said anything in response. Instead what he said next was the complete opposite.

"You won't mind holding one then" He smirked, strolling off to a different part of the building.

"Excuse me?" I said nervously, running along beside him to keep up.

"Yeah, over here, they have a station where you can hold them."

Jamie looked excited. I don't see what could be so great about holding a creepy, little snake. There was no way I was going to do it. He had to be messing me around.

The holding station was fairly crowded with little children clutching various creatures. There were lizards and snakes and tarantulas. I wanted to scream.

He walked confidently to one of the containers in which the animals were kept in and lifted up a bright, green snake with ease. He chuckled as it began twisting around the length of his arm and getting further towards his face. I stood a good distance away, just watching him intently.

He seemed to be in his element here. Perhaps one day, he would work here as a keeper. I could definitely see him doing that. After all, he was very calm and kind and patient. What? Why was I thinking this? Once again, I desperately wiped these ideas from my mind.

"Your turn" He called, beckoning me over. I shuffled closer but shook my head firmly,

"No way is that happening" I affirmed, crossing my arms over my chest as he allowed the snake to wriggle in his hands. I wanted him to put it down quickly so we could get out of here, but I don't think he was going to take no as an answer.

"C'mon, he won't bite... I promise" He smiled, his eyes met mine and I felt my heart quicken. He looked so sincere and gentle. I knew that I trusted him, it was just the snake I didn't trust.

I kept my eyes fixated to his, as I shakily held my hands out. I saw a wild sense of happiness and pride flicker in his eyes and bizarrely this pleased me.

Slowly he took the snake in his palms and lowered it into my hands. I snapped my eyes shut as soon as I felt it's scaly body touch my skin and resisted the urge to drop it on the floor in fear. I felt it slither gently over my fingers and it didn't feel how I imagined at all. It wasn't slimy or cold. It was quite squidgy.

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