Chapter Two

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The prison cell was unbearably bleak, but then they always did look the same. From the moment I had entered the police station, I was shoved into a small, grey room and told I would be there until further notice. They always said that. What they actually meant was they would keep me here until they called my mum to bail me out. This was all becoming too predictable and frankly quite boring.

Casually I slumped back onto the drab prison bed and exhaled a bored sigh. I often wondered why they never asked me any questions about what had happened, but I suppose they had found me in possession of the laptop. They knew I stolen it so what other questions could they possible ask? I didn't bother thinking about it. The good thing about this whole thing though was that the girls had managed to get away.

They still had the other possessions that we had taken and probably wouldn't get caught. Hopefully they would give me a cut of the money once they sold them. It had been my idea to rob that particular house anyway and I had taken the blame for them after all. If everything, they owed me.

Suddenly, the prison door were slammed open. I stood up, expecting to see my mum waiting there, but instead there were just the two police officers that had arrested me.

"Come with us please" The first said flatly. He was fairly young, probably early twenties and had dirty blonde hair that was pushed back out of his face. In a way, he was rather attractive. I winked at him playfully,

"Sure thing."

He made a disapproving face, waiting for me to follow him out of the corridor. I found it funny to be flirtatious towards policemen sometimes because they always looked so uncomfortable. I hid my look of amusement.

I was slightly surprised when they led me to the investigation room because I usually didn't get asked any questions, but it didn't trouble me too much. There weren't going to out anything out of me that's for sure. I was a closed book at the best of times and I most certainly was not a grass.

I flopped down on the chair opposite the two officers, my eyes glued to the attractive one. Perhaps I could make him so flustered he would let me go. It was already kind of working.

"Right... please state your name and date of birth please" The older policeman muttered, startling me slightly because I had almost forgotten he was in the room at all. I noticed there was a silver microphone placed in front of me so that they could record our conversation. I moved my head forward and spoke into it loudly,

"Katrina Finley, 15th July 1998." I then laid back, crossed my arms and smirked when their expressions changed to disgust. I don't think they had realised I was only seventeen. Their eyes flew to my electric blue hair and I just knew judgemental thoughts were rushing through their little heads but I didn't care one bit. I liked my hair.

The older man then cleared his throat,

"Okay... Miss Finley... this evening you broke into a property and were found with the possession of an Apple laptop, is that correct?"


"And who else was with you?" The attractive officer questioned, speaking for the first time since we had entered the room. I frowned momentarily. They couldn't be serious. They didn't really believe I was going to actually grass on my friends. What kind of person did they take me for?

"Who were your accomplices?" He repeated when I didn't answer,

"No one?" I replied innocently,

"There were other items stolen, so I'm going ask you one last time... who else was with you?" He said, his tone becoming more aggressive. I think we were both aware that there were others with me, but he knew I wasn't going to give in. I think this only frustrated him further.

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