Chapter Eleven

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The guy's hands were all over my body. Running up and down my legs and hips and it felt pretty good, but I didn't want it to go any further than this. I knew my own limits. I knew what I was comfortable with doing. So when he began to fumble around with the zip of his jeans, I decided to quickly grab hold of his hands.

"I... err... think we're done" I said, shaking my head as I pulled my skirt back down to my thighs again. He frowned and tilted his head in bewilderment.


"I don't... wanna have sex with you..." I admitted, releasing his hands. The confusion on his face was blatantly obvious. I knew it was kind of my fault. I had been the one to start this. I couldn't exactly blame him for being partially angry for getting less than he intended.

"No, no, no... you came onto me"

"Yeah I know... sorry..." I gave him a regretful look and tried to move away from the wall and from him. I was genuinely sorry. I had played him and led him on, but it wasn't such a big deal. I hardly even knew the guy. I didn't even know his name. I'm sure he would get over it.

However as I was attempting to move away, he stuck his arm out and trapped me. I rolled my eyes in exasperation,

"Look mate, I'm sorry for leading you on but this was nothing more than a cheeky fumble..."

"Well, that ain't good enough for me" He replied in a low voice. He sounded slightly hurt and slightly menacing. It didn't really scare me too much though. Most guys were all talk. He wasn't really going to do anything to me.

"I'm sure there's another girl in there you can fuck" I shrugged casually, once again trying to get out of his grip. But he pressed harder against me, so that I was almost lifted off the ground. The brick wall was cold on my back and I was started to get frustrated.

"I want you though..." He breathed, leaning his head down to kiss me again. For a few seconds I complied and kissed him back, until I finally realised I had had enough. Forcibly I pushed him away from me, wiping my lips gently with my hand to remove his disgusting saliva.

"Too bad... I'll see you around yeah?" I said, shoving his arm out of the way and stepping forward.

He wasn't having any of it though. He advanced towards me quickly but I was truly fed up with him. So in one swift moment, I punched him clean in the jaw. There was a cringe-worthy crunching noise and he stumbled backwards awkwardly, clutching his face in agony.

"You crazy bitch!" He yelled, his eyes piercing into mine.

"I did say I didn't want to, you should have listened..." I responded casually, stepping to walk away. But his eyes filled with rage yet again. Perhaps he wasn't like other guys, maybe he really was going to hurt me. And this time I wasn't ready for him.

He launched himself towards me quickly and I flinched, but suddenly a new fist appeared and swiped the guy cleanly in the mouth. He fell to the ground instantly and laid sprawled out motionlessly by the bins. I was in total shock.

My eyes shot up to reveal the owner of the fist and I was beyond horrified to see who it was. Jamie.

"Holy shit!" I hissed, glancing between him and the now knocked out guy on the ground. I couldn't believe he had actually done that. He had saved my skin, even though I would never admit this to him.

Jamie roughly grabbed my forearm and dragged me away from behind the club and out onto a much open and quieter road. Any ounce of amusement in his face had faded. I had never seen him look angry before.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" He growled, once he had made sure nobody was around us.


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