Chapter Fifteen

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I proudly relished in Charlotte's stunned expression for a while, knowing that I had won this round, before snapping back into reality. Inside, I was dancing with victory. Greg hadn't been angry at me for swearing and had, instead, made her look like a right idiot. Did I mention how much I liked Greg?

I suppressed a smirk and paced triumphantly towards the back door of house in order to go take a shower. I desperately wanted to get the mud off me as soon as possible.

I glanced around to catch a glimpse at Jamie one last time and saw him comforting his mum. I thought it was sweet how much he cared about her, but I kind of wished he had just left her to suffer. She kind of deserved it after all. She had her mind set on hating me and I would play up to it the best I could. After all, that had been my plan all along.

I hopped inside the back door of the house, kicked off my shoes and quickly darted up the stairs. I assumed that Greg and Alice were in the front room so I tried to be as quiet as I could. I didn't need any more grief from him, even though I don't think he cared much.

I yanked my black and white, stripy towel out of my suitcase that I had still failed to unpack and walked into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind me. I couldn't even imagine what would happen if someone were to walk in on me. I think I would shrivel up and die.

I stripped out of my dirty clothes, abandoning them on the tiled floor and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt extremely relaxing when it hit my naked body. It streamed down my back and I sighed pleasurably because of the relief.

I looked down to see a pool of brown circling around my feet as the mud from my hair mixed with the water. Quickly, I scrubbed my head with shampoo. I could literally feel the huge lumps of earth smudged in my roots, it was disgusting. I was so going to get Lucas back for this, that I was certain of.

After entirely washing my body with lemon scented soap, I switched off the hot stream of water and grabbed my towel. I treaded out onto the tiled floor and caught a preview of myself in the mirror. I looked like a drowned rat, with my blue hair stuck in wet ringlets all around my face. It was not a pretty site.

I hastily gathered all of my discarded clothes off the floor and I unlocked the bathroom door. Without thinking I tiptoed onto the landing but I just as I did, I was struck with immediate horror.

Jamie had just reached the top of the stairs and was frozen mid step. A wave of embarrassment rushed over me as I stood there dripping, wearing with only a towel to cover me. I was totally naked underneath. The thought of it caused my head to spin.

Oddly though, neither of us made any attempt to move. I was rooted to the spot clutching my towel tightly my body whilst he simply stood there, looking like a dear-in-headlights. It was beyond awkward.

"U-um... what are you s-staring at?" I said, trying to sound intimidating but I was stuttering too much. This was strange. I never got tongue-tied over anyone. It wasn't as if other guys hadn't seen me naked before, but Jamie was different for some reason. I couldn't put my finger on don't know why.

"Well you are stood half naked in the middle of my house..." He leered, moving up a step so that he was stood on the landing in front of me. I could feel his eyes moving up and down my body and I had the urge to slap him across the face for being so perverted. But I couldn't, because the truth was I kind of liked it.

"Don't mean you can stare though..."

"Right... sorry" He chuckled lightly, scratching the back of his neck and moving his eyes back to mine. He shot me an apologetic smile and hastily changed the subject in attempt to redeem himself.

"Look... don't worry about Lucas, he's a brat... I'll get him back for what he did" Jamie joked, making sure to keep his eyes fixated on mine. I could still my heart beating a mile a minute though. Just knowing that if the towel dropped, he would see me in all my glory. It was a rather tempting idea.

"I'm not really bothered about him" I shrugged nonchalantly,

"Yeah well... forget about my mum as well... she just gets worked up sometimes... she doesn't mean anything by it."

I didn't think this was strictly true. I think in actual fact Charlotte just hated me for no reason whatsoever, and I think deep down he already knew that.

"It seems like she hates me" I said truthfully, hoisting the towel up quickly when I felt it slipping.

"Nah she don't... it's me she's worried about... she's think I'm going to go back to how I used to be"

"And how did you used to be?"

I had wanted to ask him about it for a while, but now I finally had the courage to. I don't know why. I shouldn't really be feeling confident right now. I was still stood in a towel.

"I was a right dick... let's just say that" He laughed, shaking his head. I couldn't imagine Jamie being everything like me. He seemed like someone who cared too much about his family and if he hurt them or not. Whereas I only had my mum and she was used to my reckless antics.

"What made you change then?"

"My dad... funnily enough."

I had almost forgotten that Greg was actually a therapist. I guessed that he would want us to start some sort of therapy session soon. That was something I was dreading. There wasn't a lot that scared me anymore but raking up the past really did. Things happened that I didn't want to relive that's for sure.

I nodded silently, pursing my lips. No matter how much I wanted to stay here and have a deep conversation with Jamie on the landing, a cold draught was blowing up my towel causing me to shiver.

"I should... err... probably get dressed" I said in an amused tone, pointing to my bedroom door. A smile grew on his face and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah probably a good idea... wouldn't want my parents getting the wrong idea" He said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes in a knowing way and swiftly scurried into my room. I didn't exactly know why he had said but I was getting worried. Jamie kept trying to flirt with me and I was strangely giving into it. Maybe I even encouraged it. This hadn't been part of my plan at all. How could I possibly make their lives a misery if I was starting to actually like one of them?

I began pulling on some fresh clothes, something more casual than before. I put on some baggy, grey jogging bottoms which were incredibly comfortable. I then searched around for the bra I had been wearing but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere. I didn't change bras every time I showered, who even did that? So where could my bra be?

As if by magic there was a knock at the door. In a lightning fast reaction, I whipped my towel around the top half of my body and watched as the door slowly opened.

Yet another rush of total embarrassment surged over me, when I saw Jamie stood in the doorway with my favourite black bra swinging from his forefinger. My eyes widened.

"Um... you left something in the bathroom" He said and I could see he was subduing a grin.

I snatched it away from him quickly and shot him a distasteful look. I don't know why I was making such a big deal about it. I'm pretty sure he had seen a bra before, but I was self-conscious all the same.

"Thanks..." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heating up against my will. What was coming over me? I gazed into his slate grey eyes for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow,

"I am trying to get dressed... if you don't mind"

"Right... right sorry" He sniggered, shaking his head and slowly shutting the door as he left my room. I don't know what was happening to me. I was Kat. Someone who persuaded and coerced men into doing whatever I wanted and held all the power. So why was I becoming so powerless when it came to him? He was nothing special and yet, I had never met anyone who made me feel the way he did.

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