Chapter Forty

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The rest of the night was pretty blurred. Greg and I drove back to the house in complete silence whilst I tried to wipe away any evidence that I had been crying. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, not even Jamie. Although I doubt he would want to see me now anyway.

"Everyone's in bed" Greg whispered as we climbed out of the car and across the gravel driveway. I knew it must be the early hours of the morning by now, so that was kind of a given. Although a small part of me wanted Jamie to be awake restlessly wondering if I was okay.

He slotted the key in the front door and slowly opened it, careful not to make any noise.

"Okay, get to bed" Greg said simply, pointing at the stairs whilst he slipped his shoes off. He looked worn and I couldn't help but take the blame for that. He has spent the night searching for me which showed he truly cared and that was the best feeling ever.

"Is... Is my mum still coming tomorrow?" I asked quietly, scanning his face hopefully.

"We'll talk about it in the morning... now go get some sleep, it's been a long day..."

This meant two things. It meant yes my mum was still coming and that he just wanted to shut me up so he could go to bed, which was understandable. So I didn't argue.

I merely nodded and stepped up each step hesitantly. I was still wearing big, clunky heels after all.

If Greg was right about one thing, it was that it had been a long day. It definitely didn't seem like just this morning when Jamie and I were making out in the garden behind a tree. That seemed like a distant memory in fact. But I really hoped it wouldn't be. Surely Jamie would forgive me eventually.

That's what I thought anyway. And that's the thought that allowed me to sleep soundly. But I also think the large amount of alcohol and wandering the streets crying had something to do with that.


There was nothing more awkward than walking into a room of people who you know totally hate you. That's the challenge I was met with the next morning.

As usual I was the last to get up and I could hear the whole family chatting away in the kitchen. I didn't know what Greg had said to them about the situation. Did Jamie know my mum was coming to pick me up? Had he managed to calm Charlotte down? Was Lucas still going to be unusually nice to me?

I pushed all these questions to the back of my mind as I nudged open the kitchen door. All of were sat around the table, eating breakfast, and went completely silent when I walked in.

My eyes immediately met with Jamie's, but quickly looked back down at his bowl of cereal. Charlotte's eyes just narrowed in the slits and she pursed her lips. Lucas offered me a small smile though, as did Alice, but then she didn't know what I had done and was totally innocent.

"Morning lazy bones" Greg joked, in attempt to break the tension. I smiled faintly at him and then turned to leave the room, it was obvious I was creating more hassle than needed.

"Hey, where you going? Sit down and eat breakfast" He said sincerely, glancing around at his family who weren't as happy with that idea.

"N-no it's alright... I can just-"

"Please Kat, let's just forget about yesterday"

"Ha..." Charlotte scoffed under her breath. Greg shot her a warning glare and offered me the seat next to him.

Reluctantly, I complied and lowered myself down. He then slid me over a spare bowl of already made cereal. Had he made me breakfast anyway?

Again, I gave him a ghost of a smile, taking the spoon between my fingers. But I didn't feel like eating anything, I simply twirled it nervously. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and I dare not look up. Couldn't they just leave me alone?

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