Chapter Ten

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That evening just added to unbelievably dullness of this place. After the tortuous amount of time I had been forced to spend with the Thompsons, I was desperate for some time alone. All I wanted to do was to be left on my own to do whatever I pleased and not have anyone question that. So I merely laid sprawled out on my bed in my compact, little room, staring blankly at the ceiling.

I didn't want to think too much about home, but somehow I couldn't help it. I imagined what the girls were doing right now without me. None of them had even bothered to try and call again, which I found strange and a little hurtful. Perhaps they were too busy planning the next place to break into, so they would be ready for my return. I doubted this very much though. In actuality, they probably didn't give a toss I was gone.

I also thought about my mum. The truth was I didn't miss her, at least I didn't think I did. I was still beyond angry with her for sending me here. I bet she hadn't even given me a second thought either. She was probably relaxing at home without a care in the world, while I laid here miserable as ever. It was all her fault.

It was then that the deafening silence that clouded the room became all too much for me to handle and I knew I had to do something. If I didn't, I could feel myself going insane. However I seriously hated the idea of going downstairs and having to watch TV with all of them whilst they attempted to make conversation with me. I had been practically bored to death the last time I'd done that.

No, it was time to start showing them exactly how reckless I could be. I hadn't even started my plan to make them to hate me and send me home. I decided it would begin tonight. So without really thinking, I shoved my phone and some money into a small clutch bag and stumbled over to the large, French window.

I pushed it open with great difficulty and glanced down at the ground far below. It was now that I wished Nadine was here. I could really use some of her wall climbing skills. But it was as if luck was on my side because no sooner had I thought that did I notice that there were vines spiralling down the side of the house. It was my best bet if I didn't want to break my legs.

Carefully, I swung my leg out of the window and shakily grabbed hold of the plant. I tugged on it quite hard to be sure it wouldn't just break as though as I put my full weight on it. I felt as though I was in a cheesy romance movie or something, but I knew my prince certainly wouldn't be waiting for me at the bottom. No one was ever coming to rescue me,not that I needed it. Who needs a prince when the princess is already fucking awesome?

With trembling hands, I began to clamber down the side of the house, making sure to stay clear of any windows. I didn't want anyone to spot me before I even had time to escape. That would be beyond pitiful. I had experience with being quiet and sneaking around, I should be good at this.

My foot did slip a couple of times causing my heart to race, but thankfully, I didn't fall. I dropped to the ground with a soft thud and prayed no one had heard me. After pausing for a few moments, I realised no one had. They probably had the TV on too loud.

Quickly I got to my feet and rushed around to the front of the house, catching my breath, before swiftly turning down the street. I didn't exactly know my way around this pathetic island, so I was simply guessing at which direction I should be going in. I just knew that I wanted to have some fun and perhaps cause some havoc on the way.


Luckily, I had gone the right way because before I knew it I found myself in a busy town centre. Crowds of teenagers were bustling down the streets, spilling in and out of several pubs and clubs. This was exactly what I had been looking for, a chance to have some real fun. Not a shitty picnic next to a dirty river. 

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