Chapter Thirty Five

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The session ended quite quickly because there was only so much I could handle in one day. Besides, things got pretty awkward after Greg started going on about us being friends. Although I secretly admitted this was true, it still felt strange to be 'friends' with my boyfriend's dad.

I now intended to find the check for the necklace and hopefully buy in back from the pawn shop. I just had to prove to myself that things were different. I had changed.

However just as I was about to head upstairs, Jamie was walking down them.

"Hey, my mum's upstairs helping Al so how about we go outside and make out?" He suggested coolly, his familiar smirk reappearing.

"Wow, so romantic" I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. He laughed before grabbing my hand and dragging towards the back door.

Even though what he had said hadn't been the most romantic thing in the world, sneaking around kind of was. But then forbidden love always is like that, have you ever seen Romeo and Juliet?

The two of us paced quickly down to the bottom of the garden and behind a rather large apple tree and several shrubs, so that we weren't visible from the house.

Jamie stopped in front of me, still smirking. I gazed up at him, simply admiring his attractiveness. His floppy hair, sun-kissed skin, dimples. Everything about him was just perfect.

He stepped towards me a little, subtly pushing me so that my back was pressed up against the tree trunk. I couldn't help but grin.

His eyes moved down my face and his hand began twisting the ends of my hair affectionately. I watched him so intently. It was odd to see someone so intrigued by me because people were usually scared, disgusted or just shocked. He was none.

"Hey... What's your natural hair colour?" He asked out of nowhere. I let out a small giggle,



"What? You don't like the blue?" I teased, flicking my hair back mockingly.

"Oh no, I love the blue... it would just be interesting to see it brown..."

"Boring more like..."

"Yeah I guess you're right" Jamie shrugged, allowing a strand to fall just past my eyes. His smile dropped slightly and he was merely staring into my eyes. It was as though time wasn't moving at all. I don't even think we blinked.

"I love you Kat" he breathed, his head moving towards me a little more. My heart jolted into my throat and my whole body froze. He loved me? He actually loved me? But how was that even possible? I couldn't understand it.

"I-I love you t-too" I said through the shock. I was honestly shocked. There was nothing special about me. I destroyed things and hurt people, I didn't deserve to be loved, did I? I suppose things were changing though.

The gap between us soon closed and our lips were pressed together. I felt a familiar taste of mint and the sense of overwhelming tingling. This is what it was like. I was in love with someone who actually loved me back. I wasn't useless or worthless, not to him and that made everything better.

It was as if my black and white world was suddenly turning into colour. The power of someone's actual love. It was indescribable.

But then everything changed.

I mean it had to, didn't it? This was far too good to be true and my luck was only ever going to last so long. I felt like Cinderella as the clock struck twelve, ripped back to reality whilst losing a prince in the process.

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