Chapter Twenty

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Jamie and I continued to grow closer over the next couple of days. Although I didn't want it to happen, I was kind of just magnetised to him. And I came to realise that this had not been part of my plan. I had wanted to make this family's life an absolute misery so that they would send me home as soon as possible. I had not intended to start developing feelings for one of them. It was all so confusing.

"Kat, Luca's has a footie game this morning... you can come if you like?" Greg suggested as I came down for breakfast. I was still dressed in my pyjamas because I now felt comfortable enough around to do that. However I certainly didn't want to go and stand in a field and watch twelve year olds prancing around kicking a ball.

"Um... no thanks" I said honestly, slumping down on the kitchen table. Jamie and Alice were sat there as well. Jamie was pulling what looked like lumpy porridge out of Alice's hair, seemingly quite disgusted. I allowed a small smile to grow on my lips at this sight. He cared a lot about his younger sister and I found that incredibly sweet.

"Hmm... are you sure?" Greg asked again, a worried expression on his face. It was almost as if he didn't trust me to be home alone. I was eighteen very soon, so I was practically an adult already. I could buy my own house if I really wanted.

Just then I heard Charlotte prancing down the stairs. Evidently she had been dolling herself up for some unknown reason. I just didn't see why, she was going a bloody kid's football match for god's sake.

She strolled in through the door, pulling her hair into a tight ponytail as she did. Her eyes scanned over to me and she immediately frowned,

"Why aren't you ready? We're going in a minute!" She shrilled, giving Greg a wide eyed glance.

"She doesn't want to come" Greg admitted, finishing off the rest of his toast. He then stood up and began washing up his plate in the sink, whilst Charlotte stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Well... she can't stay here on her own" She hissed, once again speaking as though I wasn't in the room. I wondered if she actually knew what came out of her mouth sometimes or was she just utterly clueless?

Greg dried off his hands on a tea towel and creased his forehead,

"Why not?"

"Because... well... it's not... she might..." Charlotte stumbled over her words. What she really wanted to say was that she didn't want me rummaging around her home and potentially trashing the place. Not that that was very likely. But she had the worst image of me painted in her head and wouldn't think any other way.

"I'll stay with her" Jamie piped up, lifting Alice off the wooden kitchen chair gently. My eyes swiftly darted to him and once again my heart beat faster. The new sense of adrenaline I had never experienced before was back. I didn't know what strange powers he held over me, but I really liked it. Obviously, Charlotte didn't.

"No... no you won't... we can just... I..."

"Mum, Kat doesn't wanna come and you don't want her to be here alone... so this is the only other option" He replied smartly. I mentally thanked him. I love that he stuck up for me even against his mum.

Charlotte looked helplessly at Greg, wanting him to suggest something but he simply shrugged. It was only her who had a problem with me staying here. It was only her that held some weird grudge against me. She was the problem.

Before she could disagree, Lucas came bounding down the stairs dressed in a vibrant blue and yellow football kit. He had white socks going up to his knees and his boots were neon pink. His facial expression was very agitated.

"I'm gonna be late!" He groaned, looking between his parents.

"Right, let's go going then..." Greg urged, "Jamie, you sure you're okay with staying here?"

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