Chapter Seventeen

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"The zoo, really?" I emphasised in much distaste. What was with this family and going on family trips? Today, they wanted all of us to take a visit to the local zoo that was apparently one of the main attractions on the Isle of Wight. I wasn't having any of it. Staring blankly at dirty, smelly animals whilst they are a tree wasn't my idea of a good time.

"Ah Kat, it'll be fun... Alice loves it" Greg piped up merrily,

"Alice is five..." I pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him. He offered me an amused look as though he agreed with me but didn't say anything else on the matter. Why couldn't I just stay at home?

However without any more arguments, the entire Thompson family made their way to the front garden and towards the car. Reluctantly, I trailed along behind them. Jamie was repeatedly giving me sideward smirks whenever I huffed or groaned, which thoroughly irritated me. Perhaps I was being a bit of a whiny bitch. I just really couldn't be bothered to go.

I trudged regrettably to the car door and was just about to grab the handle before a sudden realisation hit me and I frowned,

"There aren't enough seats" I remarked. They only had a five seater car and there were six of us.

"Oh... I forgot about that" Greg confessed, scratching his head.

"Oh well... guess I can't go then" I said hopefully, swivelling around and making my way back towards the front door of the house.

"Oi, no you don't" Greg laughed before giving his wife a worried look, "We'll squeeze in somehow."

I tapped my foot impatiently. I didn't want to squeeze into the back with a bunch of sweaty kids. I needed some personal space, although I couldn't see that happening. Greg was looking puzzled as he glanced between his family members and me, until finally his eyes suddenly lit up.

"You'll sit on Jamie's lap!"

"Um no... I won't" I retorted quickly. I gave Jamie an awkward glimpse and he was smirking as usual,

"Aw c'mon Kat... I don't bite."

I wanted to punch him. I literally wanted to punch him in the neck. He was back to his exceedingly annoying self again and deliberately trying to make things awkward.

I could see Charlotte giving me a shifty look from the corner of my eye. I knew she wouldn't warm to the idea of me and Jamie sitting closely, in case we grew to like each other and I somehow enticed him into his old ways. And this is the precise reason that actually convinced me to do it.

"Fine then" I huffed, trying not to smile too smugly at Charlotte.

She practically stomped over to the other side of the car so that she could strap Alice securely into her booster seat. Lucas then slid into the middle seat, which he wasn't too happy about and then Jamie slipped in last. I gulped. Even though I had agreed to this, it didn't make it any less awkward. What if I was too heavy and crushed his legs?

I tried not to look directly into his eyes as I clambered clumsily into the car. I then lowered myself gently onto his lap and felt an electric sensation rush around my body. My heart quickened slightly but I chose to ignore it. I don't know why I felt this way around him, it was so unusual for me.

He reached for the seat belt behind him and attempted to wrap it around the two of us, but it didn't work at all.

"Guess I'll just have the hold onto you" He said in a hushed tone before he winked. Then without warning, I felt his hands delicately rest on my hips, I swiftly jolted away from him.

"Hands off" I said through gritted teeth. I heard Lucas snort besides us and I wanted to hit him as well. I still hadn't gotten him back for the mud incident.

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