Chapter Four

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I took my phone out as soon as I had shut the bedroom door behind me, or more like slammed it. I had to call the girls right away. I had to tell them what was happening and also find out if everything had happened to them. I noticed that the time was now two in the morning, but I knew they wouldn't mind. I doubt if any of them were asleep anyway.

However it soon dawned on me that they were most likely in the police station. My mum had given their names up after all, although it was possible they could have been bailed out by now. Nevertheless, it was worth a try.

I decided to call Sasha first.


"Sash, w-where are you? What's going on?" I asked frantically. The line went silent for a few moments and I held it closer to my ear in order to hear what was going on.

"Well I think you should know seeing as your Mum was the one who dobbed us in"

"How do you know that?"

"They told us, you stupid cow..." She replied disgruntledly. I knew she was pissed at me. The sharp edge to her voice was evidence enough. I didn't see how it was my fault though, I literally couldn't have stopped my Mum from doing it considering I was at the station as well. In actual fact, I should  be mad at her for abandoning me, but I didn't want to start an argument this late.

"Y-yeah... sorry about that... she's such a bitch..."

"You got that right... Lyd's mum just came and bailed us all out" She explained. There was some odd rustling noises occurring in the background but I chose not to mention it.

"Oh right... and the stuff?"

"Had to give it all up, didn't we? So the whole night was bloody pointless..."

"Ah shit..." I groaned, slapping a hand to my face. All of our efforts had been wasted. Breaking in to that house had all been for nothing because we now didn't get anything out of it, except the pure thrill of course. Somehow that just didn't seem worth it at the moment.

"Did you think your dad will be mad?" I questioned, changing the subject to take my mind off it. Once again, I heard some strange scrunching noises in the background but ignored it.

"Probably... How about your mum?" Sash responded nervously. I debated for a few seconds whether I should tell her the truth. I guess I kind of had to. Besides she was my best mate, I wasn't going to lie to her.

"She's pissed... like probably pissed... she's... err... sending me away..."

"What? Away to where?"

"The middle of bloody nowhere most likely... staying with some old family friends or some bullshit..."

"What the fuck? She can't do that..."

"Hmm... she can... I'm leaving tomorrow."

I heard Sasha gasp slightly and I slumped myself down on the bed in despair. This seemed hopeless.

"Run away" She suggested quickly, a hint of urgency in her voice. I rolled my eyes. It was a stupid idea. Where could I possibly go? I didn't have any money and all of my mate's parents hated me, so it's not like I could stay with them.

"I can't..." I sighed.

I then heard some weird panting in the background of the call. I frowned for a second before my eyes widened at the realisation of what was going on the other end of the line. 

"Sash... are you...?"

"Yes! Yes!" She moaned and I couldn't help but cringe. I couldn't believe it. I moved the phone away from my ear promptly, not wanting to listen. Sometimes Sasha was literally unbelievable.

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