Chapter Thirty Eight

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The night chill blew mercilessly all over my body, making every little hair stand on end. I desperately wrapped my jacket tighter around me. It was meant to be summer for god's sake, why was it so fucking cold?

I walked hastily down the street, this time knowing exactly where I was headed. I needed something to take the edge of knowing I wasn't wanted, because boy does it sting.

For a while I felt as though I did belong somewhere but now, that was all over. The wound that had slowly started to heal had been carelessly ripped right open again.

It wasn't too long before the glowing of lights in the night sky appeared and I knew the town centre was close. I didn't care that I was alone, I mean I had been here on my own before. And although that hadn't turned out too well, this time was different

Because this time I simply didn't care what happened to me. I didn't care if I got drunk out of my mind, or I was hit on by a random guy. Anything to take away the fresh new feeling of total emptiness.

With this thought engrained in mind, I stumbled into the first club that I came to. It was fairly crowded with people, most of them dancing wildly to the overly loud music. I wandered my way over to the bar, manoeuvring through the crowd.

Suddenly I spotted a somewhat familiar face. It was Matt. One of Jamie's friend, who had been punched to the ground the last time I had been around.

I didn't know whether it was a good idea to go up to him or not, but then I thought fuck it. Who cares what Jamie would think? He obviously didn't give a crap about me anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have just stormed off. Besides Matt seemed to like me the last time we met, before I got him beaten up of course.

"Hey! Hey Matt!" I called over the loud booming beat. His head twisted in my direction and for a second his face screwed up. Did he remember me? Or maybe he just didn't want to see me because I was the reason he'd been beaten up last time?

"Kat?" He replied, his eyebrows knitting together once I had reached him. The friends he was stood with soon dispersed and I saw a couple of them giving Matt an amused look. But just like everything else right now, I didn't care.

"You remembered!"

"How could I forget?" He half laughed, half scoffed. Flashbacks of him outside the bar with blood running down his face rushed back to me. Shouldn't he be mad at me for that? It had kind of been my fault after all.

"Sorry about what happened last time... with Jamie you know..."

"Don't worry about it, me and him are cool now" he smiled casually, "So is he with you?"

"Oh um... no" I said shaking my head. I felt quite foolish. I must have looked quite odd coming to a club on my own, but I tried to brush this feeling off.

"Right... well how about I buy you a drink?"

"Sounds good" I smirked. I had been eager to hear those words. I craved the refreshing drug that would flow through me to let me forget about reality. I wanted to forget literally everything and just have some fun tonight. Like I used to.

I couldn't allow myself to forget about the wild and reckless person I was. She was still a part of me even if she had been dormant for a while.

Matt paced towards the bar and yelled something to the blonde barmaid. I don't know what drink he had ordered me, but honestly I didn't mind. I would drink it no matter how it tasted.

"Is this alright?" He asked, turning to me and handing me a colourful cocktail. They had never really been my thing because they were a little too sophisticated, but I wasn't complaining. It would do the trick when it came to getting drunk.

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