Chapter Twenty Five

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I was rudely woken the next morning by the sound of muffled talking and people clambering around. Like always, I knew I was probably the last person in the house to get up, so the noise didn't exactly surprise me. I just wished they would shut up once in a while.

Unable to go back to sleep, I rolled onto my back and allowed my mind to wander. I found myself thinking about what had happened between Jamie and I. My first kiss that had actually meant something. My actual first kiss was in year seven with a boy named Tyler, it wasn't great. In fact, I wanted to forget it, because I was now counting this as my first real kiss.

I was always confused about my revelation of being in love with him. I had never loved anyone. Every guy I'd ever been with meant nothing to me. There were just there to fill the some empty void when I was bored. Now everything was different.

I was dragged from my thoughts when I finally realised the noise had died down. I wondered what was happening and decided it was probably time for me to show my face. I grumpily pulled the covers off, not bothering to do anything about my state of an appearance, and headed to the top of the stairs.

However when I was less than half way down, I heard Charlotte and Greg talking. It sounded quite loud, so I assumed they were only in the hallway. I tiptoed back a bit slowly and hid around the corner where the stairs bent.

"She's ill Greg, she can't come with us..."

"Ill? She seemed fine yesterday?" Greg said, a sense of confusion in his voice. I guessed they were talking about Alice. They were obviously planning on taking her out somewhere but now couldn't. I hoped she was okay, I liked Alice. She was sweet.

However I was beyond shocked when I realised they were, in fact, talking about me.

"Well she's not now, I'm telling you dear, Kat is ill... I went to check on her earlier..."

"Hm... I think I'll go and talk to her" Greg offered, not sounding convinced. I couldn't believe it. Charlotte was blatantly lying. I wasn't ill and she definitely hadn't come to check on me. She just didn't want me go out with them. She really was a cruel bitch.

"No!" Charlotte piped up frantically, "S-she's... err... she's asleep... poor little thing... she told me that we should just go without her..."

I had to stop my mouth from actually hanging open. She was a bloody good actress. She was actually pretending she cared about me. It was all lies, it was all fucking lies.

I had the urge to go straight downstairs and tell Greg this. Tell him what a deceitful cow his wife was and now I wasn't ill at all. But an idea sprung to mind.

I could use this to my advantage. If she didn't want me to go with them, I wouldn't. But I sure as hell would make her regret it. Just wait and see.

"Oh alright... is she going to be okay alone though?" Greg questioned, still sounding quite hesitant. After the last time I had been left alone without them, I didn't think Greg would have been too keen on the idea.

"She'll be fine... I've... removed all the alcohol from the house..."

"Fine... okay, let's get going then."

The hallway was then silent as I heard them go into the living room. I listened closely to more mumbled talking, before hearing the front door open. I couldn't believe they were all going out without me. Even Jamie hadn't come to check on me. What if I really had been ill? Didn't he want to see if I was alright?

As soon as the front door slammed shut, I bounded down the stairs and quickly rushed to the window at the front of the house where I saw the car begin reversing from the driveway. This was actually happening.

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