Chapter Three

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Mum handed me a steaming mug of hot chocolate as we sat down on the sofa to finally talk. I found it  was quite weird that she was acting so relaxed. Usually, when stuff like this happened, she would go absolutely crazy. This is how I had expected her to be, however she seemed kind of sad instead.

"It's late... so can you just spit it out already" I blurted, taking a sip of my hot drink. I didn't know exactly what the time was but I knew I was bloody tired. It had been a pretty eventful night after all. I just wanted to get this over with as soon as humanly possible, it was always the same situation anyway. She would give me a huge speech and I would promise her I would never do it again. It just went round and round in circles.

"Okay... love, you know I only want what's best for you..." She began, her eyes flickering nervously. I couldn't help but groan. She was going to try and guilt me into something and act as though she was the little poor victim. I hated when she did this.

"Enough with the soppy crap, just tell me what this is about" I snapped a little too harshly. I placed my hot chocolate down on the table in front of us because it suddenly seemed to have a bitter taste. Mum didn't look fazed though. I guess she was used to my little outbursts by now. She simply sighed inwardly.

"Kat... I-I think it would be best for us both... if we spent some time apart..." She disputed, eyeing me cautiously. My mind started to race wildly and my heart quickened, not in a good way this time. That didn't sound good, that didn't sound good at all. What did she mean by that?

"What? Where are you going?"

"N-not me... you."

My eyes widened as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. She was sending me away? How could she possibly think that was the best thing to do right now? Suddenly my fear was replaced with anger and I bolted up immediately from my seat.

"I'm not going fucking anywhere!" I snarled, turning on my heel but Mum grabbed my wrist swiftly, dragging me back down to the sofa. An urge inside me wanted to turn around and punch her square in the nose but she was still my Mum and no matter how much she angered me, I couldn't do that.

"Can you just listen to me for once?" She breathed, a sense of pure desperation in her voice.

I saw a touch of sadness flash in her eyes as she gently released my wrist. I wanted nothing more than to run off and not listen to what she had to say but at the end of the day, she was still my Mum. Despite her many mistakes, deep down I didn't want to physically hurt her. I let out an annoyed moan and slumped back down.

"You're going to be staying with Greg and Charlotte Thompson..."


"They're old friends of your... your... d-dad..." She explained, clearing her throat. My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my Dad but I glazed over it as though I didn't even care. I didn't need to be reminded of him at this moment. That would definitely send me over the edge.

"Anyway... Greg is a... um... therapist..."

"A therapist?!" I shrieked, all of my calmness disappearing in a flash. This couldn't be happening. She was sending me to a bloody therapist. There was nothing wrong with me. I was completely fine. I knew I was. Just because I had been in trouble a lot didn't mean I needed therapy. Rage was coursing through my entire body at this point and I couldn't bear to look at her.

"You're sending me to a fucking nut house then?!" I said, my voice turning croaky all of a sudden. I knew my Mum had warned me that this time was my last chance, but I didn't take her seriously. I certainly never dreamed she'd have this in store.

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