Chapter Thirty Nine

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"T-thanks for that" Matt slurred as we exited the men's bathroom. My hair was a ruffled mess and my cherry lipstick was probably smeared across my mouth, but it was dark so it really didn't matter.

"S'alright" I mumbled, although I was suddenly feeling very self-conscious. I was aware that some people had noticed us coming out the toilets and had obviously put two and two together.

I also didn't like the way he was thanking me for sex, like I was doing him a favour or something. In honestly I felt like a cheap whore or perhaps even a prostitute, except without a lot less money.

The club was still blurry as I trailed behind Matt back to the bar. I suddenly didn't feel like drinking anymore. No, I had reached my limit. Having sex in a public bathroom was about as much as I could handle. I think I had hit a new low.

"I-I think... I'm gonna h-head off..." I muttered, my eyelids feeling heavy as I spoke.

"What? No, you can't go" he frowned, turning to buy me yet another drink. What did he want from me? I had already slept with him, that's all there was. That's all there ever is.

"Yeah... I-I am..." I hiccupped, pulling my jacket around me to hide my cleavage that I now felt rather shy about.

"Nah, nah stay here" He pleaded, handing me yet another glass of unknown liquid. He wasn't taking no for an answer. Why did guys always seem to do that? I was drunk, tired and simply had enough. Couldn't he just leave it?

"No I'm going h-" But I stopped myself from saying home. It wasn't my home anymore, it never really was though.

"Fine whatever, do what you like" he said, a fresh hint of anger in his tone. Then without another word, he simply swivelled around and left me. What an arsehole. He had sex with me and then just abandoned me as if I was nothing more than a quick thrill.

I rolled my eyes and clumsily made my way to the exit. I didn't know what time it was, however I knew it was late as when I stepped outside the street was practically empty.

There was nothing but the light roar of cars in the distance and the sound of a group of people laughing a few metres away from me. I inhaled and began walking hastily back down the way I had come.

Did I really want to go back to the Thompson's? Jamie would probably be home by now and I didn't want to face him. There's nothing worse than having the person you love hate you. It feels like someone has reached inside your chest and is twisting your heart around.

So instead, I began to walk aimlessly down the quiet back streets of the town. I hardly saw any people, just the odd cat or fox running in the road.

It didn't take too long to realise I was completely lost. I had not been paying attention and had turned down a random road I'd never seen before. Maybe it was just the alcohol that had made me lose my sense of direction, but I didn't recognise anything.

How was I supposed to get back now? I didn't want to call anyone to come and rescue me, mainly because I didn't want to admit defeat and I don't think anybody cared enough anyway. Greg didn't want me. He was prepared to ship me back to where I came from like a faulty toy. It worked for a while, but now it was broken and he couldn't be bothered to fix it.

My feet ached like crazy and I was pretty certain I had at least ten blisters. Why had I chosen to wear heels? I was cold, in pain, tired, drunk and most of all alone. And so I gave up. I simply gave up.

I found a bench located on a verge of grass outside someone's front garden and just sat down. The street was dark and empty and I began to think about how totally worthless I was. Everyone's life would be so much better if I wasn't in it.

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