Chapter Thirty One

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From that point on I think Greg went out of his way to make me feel like part of the family. He needn't bother though, I didn't particularly want to be part of this family. However I did my best to seem somewhat interested, for Jamie's sake of course.

Today was yet another day for a family picnic. It was all so unnecessary and pointless, especially when fifty percent of us didn't want to go.

"Oh c'mon guys! It'll be fun" Greg assured us as we began trekking down the road. For some reason, I had been lumbered with looking after Barney, who was literally dragging me forwards.

Jamie and I purposely created a distance between us so that Charlotte would be kept happy and wouldn't suspect anything was still going on. I couldn't believe she had threatened her own son. Now he could see what she was really like, perhaps it was a good idea to tell him about the necklace.

I still had the check hidden in my bedroom and had not decided what to do with it. Thankfully though, Charlotte had not realised it was even missing yet. But I was starting to feel guilt for lying to Jamie. He would understand if I told him, wouldn't he?

I was sucked out of my thoughts when Greg led us down a twisty little road that I had never ventured down before. Granted I hadn't been around the island too much, but I hated not knowing where we were headed.

I saw Jamie give me a quick glance as he turned back to check on me. He was walking ahead with Lucas, who also didn't seem to be overly pleased to be here. I suppose there was only so much family time he could take.

"Right, you can let Barney off the lead now!" Greg called to me, as he halted up front. I did so immediately because that scruffy little mutt was starting to rip my arm from its socket. He bounded energetically up the path, turning the corner to where we were going.

Suddenly my heart skipped a beat. As I walked closer, I heard it, the sound of gushing water also known as my worst nightmare. He was taking us by the river, he couldn't be serious. Especially after I had told him about what had happened to me. How bloody insensitive was we?

But it was even worse than I ever imagined as when I finally turned the corner, there was none other than a huge, white boat tied to the dock.

"Surprise!" Greg cried, his face beaming with triumph. He hated me. It was obvious. Why else would he bring me here just days after revealing the fact I was nearly drowned as a child? I wanted to punch him in the face more than I ever had before.

"Oh cool!" Lucas said, his grumpy expression changing to an impressed one. I'm glad someone was happy.

Jamie was the first to turn and look at me, giving me a knowing look. He was aware of my fear of water; he just didn't know the extent of it. He was definitely more attentive to my feelings than Greg was being.

"I've hired it for the afternoon; we can just go on a gentle ride down the river.... Doesn't that sound great?"

"Wonderful sweetheart" Charlotte gushed, kissing him on the cheek. If only he knew how much of a bitch she was. I bet he wouldn't be doing this then. Greg grinned,

"Right who's getting on first?"

Without warning, Barney barked and jumped from the riverbank and onto the boat, his tongue flapping in the wind.

"I think that answers that question" He chuckled, shaking his head. Charlotte was next to hop on, helped up by Greg of course, and with Alice clung to her hip. She looked quite frightened if I'm honest and I didn't blame her. So was I.

Lucas marched on effortlessly and headed instantly to the front of the boat where he dangled dangerously over the railings.

Jamie looked back at me again and motioned for me to walk forward. I gulped. I knew today was going to be hard. I needed Jamie there to comfort me and tell me everything was going to be okay, but I was also meant to be staying away from him so that we could keep our relationship a secret. It was so frustrating and all Charlotte's fault.

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