Chapter Six

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The drive to the Portsmouth dock was a tiresome one. We had to go there in order to catch the ferry from the port. This was something I was also dreading. I had never been on an actual ferry before. I didn't like the idea of being trapped somewhere without any kind of escape. What if I got sea sick?

I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone, although I usually get weird looks from strangers because of my hair. Blue hair seems to be fascinating to people and I don't know why.

Whilst in the van, Greg did his best to try and make conversation, however each time I simply replied with yes or no or just ignored him entirely and carried on staring out of the window. I watched the hundreds of wide open fields whiz past in a green blur, knowing that I was getting further and further way from the busy streets of London.

I hated that feeling. I hated knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back home whenever I pleased. I wanted nothing more than to go back there and see the girls. I hadn't even been able to say goodbye to them. I knew I could just text them, but it wouldn't be the same.

"Something on your mind?" Greg asked, pulling me from my thoughts. He was probably worried due to the fact I hadn't spoken in a long time. I blanked him though, keeping my eyes fixated on the outside world.

"You shouldn't keep things bottled up y'know? It's better to talk about it" I saw him shoot me a kind look before moving his attention back to the road ahead. Oh god, it had already started. He was already trying to spew his therapist nonsense onto me before we had even reached the ferry. I grimaced.

"You know I think you're really gonna like our house. It's totally different from what you're used to, but I think a change is kind of the point" He chirped, an annoyingly positive tone to his voice.

"I hate change" I scorned sharply, not bothering to look around at him again. Change was horrible. Just when you get used to something and you're comfortable, you're ripped away and forced to do something completely new. Why can't things just stay the same? If it's not broken, don't fix it. Isn't that what they say?

"Nah, change can be exciting, you just haven't experienced the right kind of change" He gawked, the tone of his voice once again grating on me. I didn't agree with anything he was saying. Not experiencing the 'right kind of change.' What exactly did he mean by that? It was as though he was speaking in riddles or something and I didn't like it one bit. I ignored him this time, in hope that he would just stop talking to me. But it was hopeless, he didn't get the hint.

"You know my wife, Charlotte, she's so pleased you're coming... I think she's been cleaning the house for the whole morning" He laughed lowly. I didn't understand why his wife felt the need to clean the house for me. I didn't care if their house was a total mess. In fact, it would probably feel more like home if it did.

I remained silent. When was he going to catch on and realise I didn't want to talk to him about everything? I wasn't sure how much longer I could handle being stuck in this van with him. Deep down, I know he was only trying to be friendly but I just wasn't used to it. It was weird for people to be so nice to me because I'm so used to be people tutting or shaking their heads at me instead. 

"My kids are really eager to meet you too... I've got three, but I'm sure your mum told you that..." He rambled, "My oldest is around your age, y'know?"

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't realise there would be someone my own age in the house. For some reason, I felt a lot more wary around people my own age because they were more inclined to judge me. This had just added to my mental list of reasons why I wanted to go home. I had to make their lives miserable as soon as possible if I had any chance of that.

I heard him sigh lightly at my lack of conversation, but frankly what was he expecting? I didn't want to know but his life story and I didn't want to discuss mine either.

"You're gonna have to speak to me at some point, y'know... we will be living in the same house..." He had a sense of amusement in his voice that caused me to fill with anger. I couldn't understand why he was finding this so funny. It wasn't funny. He was taking me to some shitty island to stay with his shitty family so that he could force me to tell him about my even shittier life.

"I don't care" I mumbled,

"Don't care about what? Not speaking to me?"


"That's okay... it'll take time to open up" He nodded, pursing his lips.

"Well... you'll be waiting a very long time" I spat back, folding my arms across my chest. I didn't like how persistent he was being. I had only met him a few hours ago and he was already trying to know every little detail about me. It was creepy.

He frowned slightly, "Y'know, I want to help you... I realise you've been through a lot and I thought that―"

"Why don't you get it?" I cried, unable to contain my anger any longer, "You don't know anything about what I've been through! And I don't want your fucking help! I don't want anything from you or your bloody family. I just want to go home!"

Greg looked slightly taken aback for a second but not too much. I guess he dealt with people being angry with him all the time. He was trying to get into their personal business after all, even though it was his job.

My hands were trembling somewhat as I attempted to control my anger. I didn't want to lose my temper too much because Greg would probably end up crashing and we would both die.

He didn't continue. Perhaps he knew not to try and push things out of me because he knew it would only cause me to push harder back. He was smart in that way. He knew when to stop.

Instead though, in order to fill the awkward silence between us, he turned up the radio in his van and began humming along to the song. I didn't see how this could get any worse. I had to admit though I recognised the song. It was cheesy pop song from the eighties. My mum used to listen to it all the time.

He then began bopping his head and I prayed he wasn't going to sing. But I was wrong, so wrong.

"Come on Eileen! Oh, I swear what I mean! At this moment, you mean everything!" He sang loudly, making sure not to get too distracted from the road.

I turned my nose up at him, shaking my head. He was the typical embarrassing dad that everyone feared. But oddly, I found it to be quite charming. Maybe it was because I didn't have a dad of my own and so I was yet to experience this level of awkwardness. I couldn't help but cringe.

"Too-ra-loo-ra, too-ra-loo-rye, aye!"

He continued to sing at the top of his lungs and before I could stop myself I let a very small smile appear on my face. I simply couldn't resist. His dorky attitude was sort of funny in a way. I quickly removed it though when he glanced over at me. The music soon began to fade out and Greg gave me a cheesy grin,

"You like that song, eh?"

"S'alright" I shrugged noncommittally, glancing back outside the window. I didn't want to admit that I actually liked something because I was so used to hating everything. I also didn't want him to know anything positive about me either. He might try and use it against me somehow.

"Don't lie, I saw you smiling" He smirked, taking another glimpse at me. His smugness was beyond irritating, I shook my head firmly in disagreement. He was not wearing me down this easily.

"No I wasn't."

"Oh but you were young Katrina... its okay" He assured me, "I won't tell anybody." He tapped his fingers gently on the steering wheel and looked rather pleased with himself. I rolled my eyes as a way of response and for the hundredth time turned my attention to the view outside.

However a faint smile continued to play on his lips, I chose to ignore it. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he had discovered something I liked. I had to maintain my grumpy, troublesome image if I was going to make his and his family's lives a misery. I had to admit though, no matter how much I absolutely wanted to deny it. I was starting to warm to him.

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