Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Get up this instance!" She cried, placing her hand on her hip. I jabbed Jamie harshly in the ribs because somehow he still hadn't woken up. He hissed in pain before sleepily opening his eyes.

"Mm... w-what... what is it?"

"Jamie! Get up now!" Charlotte screeched again. This time Jamie sat up immediately, still rubbing his eyes though. I suddenly had a horrible feeling that Jamie didn't remember last night. Perhaps he didn't know why I was in his bed, or what had happened between us.


"Get. Up. Now." She snarled threateningly through gritted teeth. She did not look as though she was messing around. I knew getting up would take a lot of explaining because Jamie was in his pants and I was in my underwear and a top. It all looked very suspicious.

Why was Charlotte such as bitch? It was frankly none of her business what Jamie and I did together. He was an adult and so was I, practically. She had no right to order us out of bed.

"Mum... calm down" Jamie frowned, flopping his arms over the duvet. He didn't look particularly pleased that he had been woken up so rudely, but I did jab him good and proper. I felt quite mean.

"I said get up now!"

Reluctantly, both Jamie and I flipped the duvet off of us and stood up. This couldn't be more embarrassing, stood in my underwear with only a sheer top to cover myself with.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you two, if yesterday wasn't enough I―"

"What's going on in here?" It was Greg. Perfect that's just what we needed, things just got even more awkward. I didn't want Greg to see me in my underwear. I hastily pulled my top down a little lower so that it met the middle of my thigh. I needed to cover as much as possible.

Greg's eyes scanned from his wife and over to Jamie and I stood either side of the bed. He raised an eyebrow in surprise,

"These two... I just can't believe it... they... they..." Charlotte mumbled, obviously seeing her husband's confusion expression.

"We didn't do anything."

A sense of relief rushed over me. I was glad that Jamie remembered what had happened between us. I didn't want him thinking we had done something more.

"How are we meant to believe that?! You two are basically naked!"

"I know what it looks like... but we didn't do anything..." Jamie shrugged nonchalantly to his parents. I liked how he wasn't going to take any of their crap. He was eighteen after all, why should he?

"Kat... go and get dressed..." Greg muttered, looking awkwardly at the ground. My eyes scanned between Jamie and Charlotte speechlessly.

Quietly, I made my way out of the bedroom, picking my jeans off the ground as I did. This was humiliating. No one spoke until I had left the room. I didn't like the idea that they were going to be talking about me behind my back.

I swiftly darted to my room, in case Lucas or Alice were awake and saw me. I didn't need another thing to add to my list of embarrassment.

Once I had shut the door behind me, I quickly pulled out a brand new outfit from my wardrobe and changed my clothes. I decided to put on leggings this time, as they were more comfortable and I doubt I would be going anywhere after this incident.

I desperately wanted to know what they were saying to Jamie. Why couldn't they just say it to the both of us? Why did they need me to leave the room?

Just then, I heard Jamie's door open and large, manly footsteps walked out and bounded down the stairs. I assumed that had been Greg. I knew he wouldn't really have a lot to say about the situation, so would have left quickly.

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