Chapter Thirty

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After everything that was going on with Jamie, I had completely forgotten as to why I was actually here in the first place. It was for Greg to give me therapy sessions in order to stop my so-called anti-social behaviour.

See, after the last session, Greg wasn't in a hurry to carry out another one. He didn't want to push me into telling things, especially something so big like how my dad tried to kill me. It wasn't exactly something you just blurt out over a cup of tea and I'm glad Greg realised that.

However, we couldn't keep putting it off forever. There had to come a time when I would need to reveal more to him and today was that day. I wasn't exactly ready to tell him but I thought I better get it over and done with. Then I could move on with my life and be happy, with Jamie by my side.

"I'm impressed that you wanted to do this... after what you revealed last time" Greg praised me, slumping down on his cushy armchair opposite mine. I knew this was going to be hard. But I had to be brave, like I always was.

"Okay now... let's just forget about everything that has happened recently... now it's time to focus on you, do you agree?"

"Um... yeah..."

"In this room I'm just your therapist and you can trust me... forget about my family and your friends... just relax..."

I took a deep breath and allowed the musky air to fill my lungs. I was quite relaxed considering the situation. I suppose it's just because I was more comfortable with Greg now. He was wrong though, He wasn't just my therapist, he was my friend and that's something I never ever thought I'd say.

"Right... so are you ready to do this?" He asked softly,

"I-I think so..."

"Remember everything you tell me won't leave this room."

I nodded silently, he always told me this. I understood he wouldn't go blabbing to Charlotte over the dinner table. Like I'd said in the past, Greg was good at his job.

"Now, in our last session... you err... revealed something quite startling shall we say..."


"Do you care to elaborate on that?"

"What do you... want to know?" I replied awkwardly. He didn't really need to be all tactful and sly anymore. I knew what he wanted to talk about, I wasn't thick.

"Okay, well let's start with your last statement... which was.... My dad tried to kill me."

I took a sharp intake of breath at this point. I hadn't realised he wasn't going to say it so bluntly. But I guess he was only repeating my own words. I shifted a little in the armchair.

"How did he... err do that?"

I could sense Greg was hesitant. He didn't want to push me too far or feel as though he was forcing me to answer. I appreciated him for that.

"Well... he... um... from what I remember I mean..."

"What you remember?"

"I was... quite young..."

Greg pursed his lips and nodded, waiting for me to carry on. It made the situation ten times more serious knowing that I was only a kid. It would be cruel to try and kill a teenager, but to kill a child. It seems completely inhuman.

"M-my dad... well... he... I was six years old and... mum was out, I don't know where... but she left dad to look after me that night and well... he was running me a bath so I could get ready for bed and... and..."

I paused for a second as the precise moment flashed in my mind. I remember it clear as day. The sound of the hot, running water, the steaminess of the bathroom. It was all too real.

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