Chapter Twenty Seven

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I met Jamie downstairs in the living room at exactly half seven. I was dressed in my favourite pair of ripped skinny jeans and a loose sheer shirt. I didn't want to dress too over the top because we were only going to a pub, but I also wanted to impress Jamie somewhat. I guess I could count this as our first date, even though all of his mates were going to be there as well.

I had pinned sections of my hair back so that it didn't look like an untamed mess. I also thought it would make a nice change. Jamie seemed to like it anyway,

"Whoa, you look great" He said, raising his eyebrows in an awestruck manner. I felt a familiar tingle rush over me. Even though it was a simple compliment, knowing that he genuinely meant it made me feel good. Not cheap, like all of the previous times people had said it.

"Thanks" I smiled, looking down at myself. I suppose I looked alright.

"Right then, let's go" Jamie declared, making his way towards the front door. Excitement was coursing through me like a powerful drug. Usually I got my thrill from doing something I shouldn't be but now, I had Jamie to fill the hole. He made me feel as though I belonged, as though I was needed. It was the best feeling in the world.

And there way only one person who could ruin that,

"Um, where do you two think you're going?" Charlotte shrilled as she came into the hallway. We were so close to leaving, why couldn't we just make a break for it?

Jamie turned on his heel and his shoulders sagged. Evidently he hadn't expected his mum to catch us either. I didn't understand what the big deal was.

"Mum..." He groaned, "We're just going out for a bit... we'll be alright"

"No, you won't! Remember what happened last time!" She cried in exasperation. I was fed up of her constant ranting. I was just bloody fed up her in general. She needed to mind her own business once in a while.

"It'll be fine, I promise" Jamie insisted, but that didn't stop her. Charlotte continued to screech like an annoying parrot. I pretty much zoned her out.

Just then I felt Jamie's fingers intertwined with mine. The familiar sense of electricity shivered through me. I noticed Jamie's other hand reaching for the door handle discreetly. I knew what his plan was and I liked it very much.

The two of us pretended to listen to Charlotte whilst he slowly creaked open the front door. We gave each other sideward glances to make sure we were on the same page. He nodded knowingly. I was right about his plan, we were going to run.

"You know the trouble you could get into" Charlotte squealed, "and I just don't want to―"

"Go!" Jamie shouted, before yanking me quickly out of the front door. I didn't argue. I followed quickly behind him, glancing back to see Charlotte's gobsmacked expression.

Both of us sprinted as fast as possible down to the end of the road before we finally stopped for breath. I had never been so pumped with adrenaline, and that's really saying something.

We erupted with laughter at what we had just done. Oh how I had missed my reckless self. I had really been slacking. But now it seemed Jamie was just as bad as I was, which only made me fall for him ten times harder.


"So where are we going exactly?" I asked Jamie as we strolled through the streets of town. Oddly, we hadn't unattached our hands after we had stopped running so they were still interlocked.

"It's nothing special... but I think you'll like it" He replied smugly,

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laughed half-heartedly, "Trying to say I'm not special?"

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