Chapter Forty Five

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Although I had been mentally preparing for it in my head, I knew actually leaving this house was going to be extremely hard. I had lived here for several months now and had grown very attached to it. I distinctly remember the first time I had set foot in the place and how nervous and vulnerable I had been.

It seemed like such a long time ago now. I think travelling back home with my mum would be like entering a time machine or something, except every inch of me would be completely different. I was certainly not the same person as when I had left, in fact that person was long gone.

The girl who swore and screamed at her mum, and had late night phone conversations with her friends was dead and buried. The so-called hurricane I was had ended and the dust was finally settling.

I was the person I truly wanted to be now and that was all down to the Thompson's, even Charlotte has taught me something about myself in her own cruel way. But there was one person in particular that I knew had changed me forever.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Jamie asked as he stood in the doorway of my bedroom. I was packing, agonising slowly might I add, just so that I could stay here a little longer. It seemed like a life time ago since Jamie first showed me in here.

"I think so..." I sighed, casually folding up my clothes and placing them in the suitable that was wide open on the bed, "I need to fix things y'know?"

"But your mum understands now... She knows what happened, so maybe you can both move on..."

His voice was strained in a way I had never heard it before. He was making this much more difficult than it needed to be. I turned to him and held out my hand. Instinctively he reached out and took it, clasping our fingers together tightly.

"It's just something I need to do..."

"I know... I know..." He groaned, shaking his head, "I guess I'm just being selfish because I really don't want you to leave..."

He then pulled me closer to him so that our chests were touching. I exhaled gently whilst gazing up at him. His wonderfully familiar dimples were prominent on his face and I couldn't help but smile.

"I will be coming back, you know?" I assured him,

"Hm... You don't know that for sure though do you?"

I frowned deeply, "What?"

"What if you go home and start leading this amazing life and decide you don't want to come back?"

"That won't happen" I quipped back quickly, making sure we stayed in close proximity,

"You don't know—"

I cut him off before he could even finish, "I do know that... because I can't possibly have an amazing life if you're not a part of it."

That was probably the cheesiest thing that had ever come out of my mouth, but I didn't mind. I didn't mind because it warranted the most adorable grin from Jamie, before he leaned down and pushed his lips against mine.

I responded instantly by kissing him back and wrapping my arms around his neck. It felt daring to be kissing him whilst the door was wide open and anyone could have seen, but I soon remembered that everyone knew about Jamie and I. There was no reason to try and keep it a secret anymore. We were free to be together.

I softly ran my fingers down his face, until I eventually broke apart the kiss. He was still beaming ear to ear like a little kid on Christmas Day. I rolled my eyes, lingering inches away from his face.

"Well... Now that that's sorted, I've got to get back to packing..."

I shifted back to the end of the bed where I continued to fold my clothes. I had to admit that kiss was certainly wavering my decision slightly. I was absolutely crazy about Jamie, how could I stand to be away from him for so long? The mere thought of it was already causing my heart to beat more rapidly.

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