Chapter Thirteen

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Things changed with Jamie from that point on, not in a completely drastic way. My opinion of him just shifted and made it hard for me to dislike him. I had learnt he was a decent guy and although he frustrated me sometimes, I had to admit that I quite liked him.

We strolled back to the house quite hastily after our ordeal at the bandstand, releasing that it was gone one in the morning. I wondered what Greg and Charlotte would say? Would they care? After all, Jamie was eighteen; he was an adult and could do what he wanted. I didn't know what they would say about me though. Not that I was really bothered. This is what I had wanted to happen.

We arrived outside the driveway of the white-bricked house and I gave Jamie a hesitant look.

"How are we gonna get in?" I asked,

"Well... there's this thing you see... called the front door" He replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him in exasperation. He was back to his frustrating self again.

He chuckled, "C'mon."

I tiptoed quietly behind him as he slotted his key into the door and pushed it open. The hallway was dark when we stepped inside and the house sounded silent for a second; however it wasn't long until the living room door suddenly burst open.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Charlotte hissed, probably not trying to wake everyone else up. I gave her a disinterested glance and kicked off my shoes. I couldn't actually believe she had waited up for us. She really needn't have bothered. We could take care of ourselves.

"Out Mum... we're fine" Jamie said casually, sliding past her and making his way into the front room. I followed behind him awkwardly and was amazed to find Greg, who was also still awake. He had probably been forced to stay up by Charlotte. She seemed like she could be the overbearing type.

As soon as he saw us enter the room, he switched off the TV and pulled himself up from a slumped position,

"So where ya been?" He queried, his voice slurring slightly. I didn't know whether this was because he had been drinking or he was just overly tired. Perhaps it was a bit of both. It was a Friday night after all.

"Like I said... we've just been out" Jamie shrugged, flopping down onto the sofa. I was pleased he hadn't mentioned me climbing out the window and running out. He was at least partially taking the blame. Besides, it's not like I had asked him to sneak out and look for me. Also he had been the one to persuade me to go on a little 'adventure' with him, technically it was his fault.

"Yeah, but where?" Greg urged, his eyes scanning between Jamie and I.

"Why doesn't it matter? I'm eighteen..."

"But Kat's not!"

"S'alright... I looked after her" Jamie smiled, before winking at me cheekily. I begged my cheeks not to blush. That would be beyond embarrassing. I wasn't the type of person to blush. I had to remain impassive.

"That's not the point!" Charlotte injected from the doorway, looking extremely disgruntled. I could tell she was more pissed off than Greg. Maybe cause her precious baby boy had run off at night. She needed to get a grip, he was an adult.

"Were you at a club?" Greg asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively. There was no way I was going to tell either of them about what had happened in the club. Even though I wanted to cause havoc myself, I didn't want to get Jamie in trouble. If I told them he had punched someone and knocked them out, then he certainly would.

Jamie glanced at me from the corner of his eye. For a second I thought he was going to come clean, but I should have realised he was better than that.

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