Chapter Thirty Two

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Suddenly I was five years old again. Submerged in the deep water, unable to breath, unable to think. Bubbles engulfed me as I screamed in fear and began to choke. My blue hair was floating all around my face and almost blended in with the water. I kicked around frantically but I didn't seem to be moving an inch.

It seemed like an eternity before I felt two strong arms wrapped around me and begin dragging towards the surface. But by this point, my body felt weak and limp, probably from panicking so much.

When we reached the surface, I noticed that it was Jamie who had been the one to rescue me. It would have had to been him.

I took feeble intakes of breath, but nothing could stop the light-headed feeling I was experiencing. The world seemed to be spinning and yet all I could see was my father's frantic face as he pulled me from the bathtub all those years ago. It was like a horrible de ja vu.

"Get her up here quick!" I heard Greg's voice echo. I couldn't really see clearly even though I was desperately trying to open my eyes.

I felt myself being lifting up onto the boat but I had absolutely no strength to do anything. I must have looked like a dead fish out of water, but story of my life, eh?

"C'mon Kat..." Jamie mumbled under his breath. I felt everyone's presence around me and I could hear so I knew I wasn't dead. That was a good thing I suppose. I fluttered my eyes slightly before fully opening them. The world was blurry and my heart felt as though it might rip out of my chest, but I was essentially okay.

"Oh thank god!" Greg sighed, helping me as he propped my head up on a seat.

"Here put this around her" Jamie said. I felt a rush of warmth as his jacket was wrapped around me. It smelt just like him and my heart started to slow down. Then without warning, I coughed and coughed again before proceeding to throw up all over myself.

It was probably the embarrassing moment of my life. I had just swallowed so much dirty water, so in the long run it was for the best. But I was still mortified. I made a gentle groaning noise.

"It's alright Kat... don't worry about it" Greg reassured me, "We're going to get you back home." He then disappeared towards the controls of the boat and I felt it turn harshly.

Upon opening my eyes more widely, I noticed Charlotte, Alice and Lucas looking horrified as they sat on the seats opposite me. They made no attempt to help though. I didn't care about Alice and Lucas; they were too young to be any use to the situation. But Charlotte just sat there and watched me suffer. I hated her even more, if that was humanly possible.

Jamie remained by my side and had managed to find a towel to clean me up. My cheeks heated up as he patted the warm vomit off of my clothes.

"Y-You don't h-have to do t-that..." I stuttered, taking the towel out of his hands. He gave me a crooked smile,

"Don't be embarrassed... it's not your fault..." He said softly. I'm glad he understood and wasn't completely disgusted by me now. Everyone throws up though, right?

I then felt a bumpy long tongue lick the side of my face, it was Barney. Despite being a scruffy little mutt and the reason I had actually fallen in in the first place, I couldn't be mad at him. He was just a dopey dog.

"Barney, stop..." Jamie commanded, pointing to the other side of the boat. He then gave me a small shrug,

"At least he's trying to apologise, right?"

The boat ride home was long and slow, which didn't help. My chest was raw from so much panic and pain. I couldn't believe that had just happened. I could have died.

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