Chapter Thirty Six

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"You can't just do this!" I argued as I quickly followed Charlotte, Greg and Jamie up the stairs to my bedroom. This wasn't fair. They had no right to search my room like some kind of fucking police raid.

They were going to find the check though, I was certain of it. I had been so close to taking it back as well. Now I was never going to be the person I really wanted to because I would only ever be seen as who I'd always been. A selfish, thieving bitch.

"Mum... Dad you can't honestly believe Kat would do this" Jamie quipped backing me up, however this only made me feel ten times worse. What was I supposed to do? I was in too deep to confess now.

All of them then barged into my clustered, dingy room without paying any attention to me or my pleads. And of course it was Charlotte who was the first to start rummaging around.

Searching through my wardrobe, under the bed, in my bags and then suddenly she came to my chest of drawers. I had shoved the check in the back of one of them a while ago because I didn't think anyone would ever look there. But how wrong I had been.

"Oh my god, can you just get out of my stuff!" I raged, stepping forward and grabbing her wrist. She swiftly drew back and narrowed her eyes.

"Seems like you've got something to hide..."

I stared at her, my eye twitching slightly in anger. No matter how this turned out I looked incredibly suspicious.

"This i-isn't fair..." I said, gulping back my ever growing nerves.

My heart was hammering against my ribs and I stared nervously at Jamie. What was he going to think of me? He would probably hate me. Then I would go straight back to square one, having absolutely no one. I prayed that wouldn't happen. I prayed that somehow Charlotte would simply not see the check.

It was a possibility. I mean she was looking for an actually necklace after all, she didn't know I had pawned it for six grand.

Jamie was leaning against the doorframe, shaking his head at his mum's frantic behaviour. Whilst Greg just seemed very confused and hesitant to go through my stuff. At least he had some decency, unlike his evil bitch of a wife.

After a few minutes of her picking out nearly every drawer, she began to find things I wished she hadn't.

"Cigarettes..." She tutted, raising an eyebrow and passing the half empty packet to Greg. The truth was I hadn't smoked for over a week now, but I doubt she would even care.

"You know I smoke... I-I have been trying to stop though..." I told Greg, trying to get him back on my side. He simply kept his lips pursed.

It was then that my worst nightmare finally occurred and I just knew, in that moment, everything was ruined.

"Oh m-my god!" Charlotte gasped, pulling out the folded up check. Her eyes scanned over it quickly before she shot me a nasty death glare, "You... you sold it?! For... s-six grand?!"

Her voice was piercing as she flailed the paper in front of my face. I saw the blood vessels in her forehead pop out and her eyes were bulging like crazy. She was mad. No, she was absolutely furious.


"Let me see that" Greg said calmly, a frown growing on his face. He read the check intently before also glaring up at me. My pulse quickened. Disappointment flooded over him and I instantly hated myself. I desperately hoped he didn't hate me. No, not Greg, he was my friend. Maybe he would understand if I explained things to him.

"Kat? I... don't understand... why would you do this?"

My mouth was dry and I desperately tried to swallow. Did I tell the truth? I doubt he would believe me now but it was definitely worth a go.

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