Chapter Twenty Three

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So my secret was out. One of the things I had been so protective of and had kept to myself all these years was finally out there. I didn't know whether to be scared or relieved. In fact, I felt very overwhelmed which is why I chose to end the session right there and then. I had said enough and was definitely not ready to go into any more details.

"I-I don't want to t-talk about this anymore" I said, my voice trembling, before I stood up swiftly from the armchair. Greg looked absolutely horrified, his eyes like huge crystal balls bulging from his face.

"Kat... I—"

He stopped, taking in the distressed expression on my face, then merely nodded wordlessly and fell back into his armchair in shock.

I rushed out the small room immediately and darted upstairs to my bedroom where I threw myself down on the bed. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I physically felt sick. Images of the past were rushing through my mind in a blur and my whole stomach felt constricted. I need some kind of escape, and fast.

I hastened over to the window and quickly pushed it open. I then stuck my head out and sucked in the fresh, spring air. The cool sensation filled my lungs and my body began to relax. I took a several long, deep inhales before I finally started to feel at ease again and shut the window.

Had I just had a panic attack? Because that's sure what it felt had like.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and shivered. Why did I have to do that for? Why did I have to admit to my past? I was just so caught up in the moment and Greg was being so nice to me. I was simply confused. And now awful memories were flooding my brain, dragging down into a pit of darkness.

I knew I needed to talk to someone familiar, someone away from all this, who knew me as I wanted to be known. I definitely wasn't calling my mum. But three more people sprung to mind. The girls. They knew the sassy, confident version of myself. The version I really needed to get back to right now. I needed to push this weak little girl who was on the verge of crying back inside me.

Lydia was the first person I thought of. I had known her the longest out of all of them. She would help me to forget about all the crap that was happening right now. So without thinking, I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. It took a while for her to answer, but I prayed that she would pick up. I needed to hear a familiar voice.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded down the line. I couldn't help but smile to myself,

"Lyd, it's me"


"Kat..." I said slowly. Surely she had my number so she would have known it was me from the caller ID. And even if she didn't look at the caller ID, had she actually forgotten my voice?

"Oh my god! Hi!" She chirped, much more enthusiastically, "How ya doing?"

"Meh... I suppose it's alright... I mean the family ain't as bad as I thought they would be but―"

I was cut off by some high-pitched voices in the background of Lydia's end. I allowed a frown to appear on my face,

"Who's there with you, Lyd?" I asked,

"Shhh, it's her!" I heard her hiss, evidently not realising I could hear. What the hell was going on? I pressed my phone more tightly to my ear and strained to listen what was happening.

"I'm not gonna say that... No... no! Shut up!"

"Lyd, what's going on?" I queried a little more loudly. I desperately wanted to know what was occurring on the other side of the line. Lydia obviously wasn't alone. But who was there with her?

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