Chapter Twenty Six

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"How much do you reckon it's worth then?" I asked the eccentric man as he carefully inspected the diamond necklace. He held it like a new-born baby or something; it was only a necklace for god's sake.

His eyebrows knitted together as he thought about how much he was going to offer me. I wasn't going to take any less than £2000, that's for sure. That seemed like a reasonable ask, didn't it? It did have several real diamonds on it after all. However what he said next caused my mouth to drop open,

"How about... £6000?"

I gulped visibly. I had certainly not expected it to be worth that much. Had it really cost Greg all that money to buy this for that nasty cow? It must have been a long time ago. Maybe she wasn't sure a bitch when they had first met.

I tried not to look too startled by his offer because I didn't want him to think about dropping the price, so I simply nodded and said in a rather squeaky voice,

"T-That... sounds good."

He clapped his hands together excitedly, looking very pleased. It made me wonder how far he would've gone if I hadn't agreed to £6000. Oh my god, £6000. I was going to be fucking loaded. Wouldn't the girls love to see me now?

The man then began to wrap the necklace tenderly in a velvet case before he smiled up at me,

"This is a good day dearie!" He chirped, "Would you like your payment in cash or check?"

The excitable kid inside me desperately wanted to get it in cash, having wads of money would be like an absolute dream come true. But even I knew that it wasn't a good idea. I could easily get mugged or something. So for once in my life, I made a sensible decision.

"Um... check please" I replied, still trying to get over this was actually happening. It was like something that might happen in a movie or something. I was half expecting him to bring out the money in a giant suitcase.

Although this felt like some weird dream. I couldn't be happier. It served Charlotte right for being such a bitch to me and telling everyone I was ill. She deserved everything she got and I would be the one to give it to her.


After the man in the pawn shop had written me a check, I swiftly left the shop and into the fresh open air. I glared down at it for a few moments, making sure everything was in order and trying to get over my disbelief. I had £6000 to spend on anything I wanted. The shop owner was right, this was a good day.

I began to strut confidently down the street, shoving the check in my pocket. I couldn't let it be seen by anyone. I absolutely couldn't risk it getting stolen.

The high street was rather busy at this point and my eyes darted around to see if there was any looking suspicious. Although that was probably me.

I saw several shops and stores that I wanted to go into. I was seriously tempted just to blow all of money right here and now. But then Greg and Charlotte would definitely notice. I couldn't exactly stash thousands of pounds worth of stuff under my bed. No, I would save it, for now at least.

Just then something caught my eye.

Stood a few feet away from me was a group of four teenage girls who severely reminded me of my friends. Although I don't think they were really my friends anymore. Were they ever really my friends? It made me miss them more than ever. I suppose in a way, I knew they never really like me. They only followed me around because I was so daring and reckless.

I stared longingly at this random group of girls, giggling and chatting away to one another. A sense of sadness filled up inside me. I debated whether or not I should call my own friends again. Perhaps they would have changed their mind about me. It was all Lydia's fault. She was the one turning them all against me. She just wanted her moment to shine now that I was gone. But look who's laughing now. Me and my cash, that's who.

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