Chapter Thirty Three

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Revealing everything to Jamie left a bubble of emotion in the back of my throat, but I promised myself I wouldn't cry, not even in front of him. I had repeated everything I had told Greg a few days ago, but this time it seemed to be somewhat easier. Maybe because I had already done it once before.

"Oh my god..." He breathed, a deep frown etched into his face, "That's messed up..."

"I know..." I gulped, my eyes locked onto the carpet firmly. I felt suddenly vulnerable, especially when Jamie started to become frantic. It was somewhat reminiscent of the night he had beaten up Matt.

"Your dad is in prison though right? When will he get out? I swear to god... I'll fucking kill him... if he so much as tries to contact you, it'll be the last thing he—"

"Calm down... its okay..." I said, rubbing his arm to bring down his rage. Although I had to admit he was even more attractive when he was angry.

"It's not okay! He's... he's a bloody monster!"

"Yes... I know that, I mean... my dad is in prison and I don't know when he will get out but I don't want anything to do with him ever again... he's the reason my life has been so fucked up... the reason I try to act strong when really... I'm fucking terrified..."

Our eyes were connected and it was as though he was looking deep in my soul. He could feel my pain because he had been through his fair share. He had messed up and lost people, just like me. He understood and that meant more than anything.

"I've told you before... you don't have to be strong all the time... it's okay to be afraid..."

"But that's the problem... fear is what got me into this mess..."

His eyes widened slightly and he silently brought his hand up and cradled my cheek,

"I promise I'll look after you... I'll make sure you're never scared again" He whispered, rubbing his thumb against my face. And it was in that moment that I knew everything was going to be okay. He was going to make me better. With him, my life wouldn't be heading down a path of self-destruction. I had never loved someone this much.

And with this in mind, I leant forward and pressed my lips against his. He reacted immediately, kissing me back and running his hands gently through my electric blue hair.

Impulsively, I pushed my hands against his chest and threw the blanket off me. I then swiftly swung of my legs up so that I was straddling his lap. He was taken aback by this; in fact it only caused him to deepen the kiss.

Our tongue darted around each other's mouths sensually and I had never felt so vulnerable yet so happy towards a person. Jamie then slipped his hand down to the bottom of my top and pulled it hastily over my head. This was escalating quickly but I certainly did not mind.

His eyes moved lustfully to bra and he fumbled around behind my back. It wasn't long before he had unlatched it and threw it away, leaving my boobs now fully exposed. I felt my cheeks turning a shade of pink but I ignored it. This was my first time with Jamie; I was bound to be nervous.

Suddenly he gripped me roughly by the waist and lifted me off the sofa. I wrapped my legs around him so that I didn't slip,

"W-what are you d-doing?" I asked, holding onto him and he stood up.

"We need more room... is the floor okay?" He laughed sheepishly. Was he nervous too? Did guys even get nervous? I certainly had never been with a guy who was anxious before.

"Yeah... t-that's fine"

Slowly he lowered me onto the carpet and the rug tickled my bare back. Jamie hovered over me, letting go of my waist and hastily taking off his shirt. His body was beautiful. It was so toned and tanned it made my heart flutter.

He lowered himself down and kissed me again passionately, our bare chests brushing against one another.

My hands ran up and down his bare chest. I had done this countless times before and yet this feeling felt so foreign, like it was happening for the first time. Maybe it kind of was, because in the past sex had meant absolutely nothing to me and now it did.

Jamie hauled himself up again and plucked something out of his back pocket, something that told me where this was going. Exactly where I wanted to go. He then tugged down his rather tight jeans and chucked them across the floor carelessly.

My heart was beating rapidly now and a tingle made its way up my neck. So many emotions were surging through me like a powerful force. I simply couldn't stop them. I began to pull on the bottom of my skirt, kicking it frantically off of my legs.

Jamie smirked familiarly, surveying my almost naked body, where only my pants remained.

"Are you sure you want this?" He breathed shakily. I think it was a bit late for that. This was already happening and I very much wanted it too.

"Yes..." I replied, my voice still husky. My fingers continued to run up and down his toned body. I was regaining my confidence gradually, the thing I had somehow lost whilst with Jamie. I had to remember the feisty girl I used to be, she took control of every situation and this was no different.

Jamie smiled and began ripping open the small silver packet. He sure didn't mess around, did he? But I liked that about him.

It wasn't long before he had his pants off and was ready. I didn't look down though because I knew it would only make me blush even more. Tenderly, Jamie hooked his fingers around my knickers and slid them down my legs. I was so glad I had shaved down there; otherwise this might have been awkward.

I concentrated on his face, keeping my eyes fixed on his. And before I knew it, it had happened. Our bodies fitting together like a perfectly sculptured jigsaw and it felt incredible.

I raked my nails down his back as he made rhythmic movements. I felt an intense prickling sensation down there which travelled all the way up.

My lips latched onto Jamie's neck as I kissed gently, enjoying every second of what was happening.

Adrenaline was pumping through me just like old times. The recklessness and anticipation of getting caught driving this. I could only imagine the horrified look on Charlotte's face if she ever saw this. I think she would actually faint.

The prickling feeling grew stronger as Jamie moved faster and I clung onto him tightly. I realised I was getting carpet burn on my back at this point but I didn't mind. This was worth it.

Soon it was all over and Jamie and I were merely a panting mess sprawled out on the living room rug. Quickly he picked up one of our discarded blankets and threw it over the two of us, keeping us warm. He slung an arm over me carelessly, his chest moving up and down quickly.

"That was..."

"Yeah..." I exhaled, knowing what he was going to say. I positioned myself so that I was closer to him. I had never felt so at ease with everything before. I didn't feel any pain or stress or anxiety. Life was pure for once and that was really saying something for me.

But as always in my fucked up life, it didn't last for long. And suddenly we heard voices and footsteps outside the back door. My heart flew into my chest.

"Oh my god!" I squealed, jumping up off the floor whilst keeping the blanket wrapped around my body. Jamie's eyes looked like a deer in a headlight as we heard the back door creak open.

"Upstairs!" He hissed, frantically grabbing all of the remaining blankets and clothes off the floor and sprinting out the living room door.

The two of us darted up the stairs in a flash, bursting into giggles as we reached the top. We couldn't help it.

"We're home!" Greg called. We knew we couldn't stay here for long because we were still fully naked. So I pushed myself up on my tiptoes and gave Jamie one more firm kiss. He smiled against my lips cutely, that was until we heard footsteps bounding up the stairs.

We each ran into our retrospective bedrooms without a second thought. I practically slammed the door hoping Greg wouldn't pick up on it. Thankfully he never did.

Somehow nearly getting caught had actually added to the fun, but then I had always liked the feeling of not knowing what was going to happen. It was exciting. I was still glad Greg didn't see me naked though, but on the other hand I was also very glad that Jamie had.

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