Chapter Nine

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"Time to get up!" Greg's booming voice roared through the landing. I heard him bang on several doors before he reached mine and tapped loudly. I groaned, rolling around in the tangled up duvet. This was like being a bloody army camp. It was only nine in the morning, which for me was pretty early. Why the hell was Greg waking us all up? I thought he was the good guy here but right now, I wanted to fucking punch him.

I chose to ignore his demands and snuggled back into the warm mound of blankets, however this didn't last for long. Greg banged hard on my door again before popping his head in.

"Kat, we're going on a family walk... d'you mind getting up please?

"You can go on a walk without me... I ain't part of this family" I grumbled moodily in reply.

"You are now!" He chuckled before shutting the bedroom door again. Going on a 'family walk' sounded beyond dreadful, not to mention cringey. Maybe they really were going to make me sing with a ukulele around a campfire.

I seriously debated whether or not to simply continue to ignore him and not get up. It's not as if he could physically drag me out of bed. But I didn't particularly fancy being stuck indoors all day on my own either, so reluctantly I began to haul myself up.

I pulled out my favourite acid washed jeans and plain black jumper before glancing in the mirror. Tuffs of electric blue hair was shooting out in all different directions. It wasn't a pretty sight.

It did my best to brush and flatten it down before swinging open the door. I had to hide my surprise when I saw Jamie was waiting on the landing, leaning against the stair banister. He had his arms crossed against his chest patiently.

"Finally" He smirked, turning to bound down the stairs.

"You didn't need to wait for me..." I said, giving him a distasteful look. The first thing I noticed about him was that his swoopy hair was now pushed back in a more stylish fashion. It made him look ten times more attractive. I shook my head at this thought. I wouldn't let myself get emotionally involved with anyone in this family. I was here to make their lives hell, so that I could go home as soon as possible. That was all.

When we reached the living room, everyone was waiting for me. Each of them dressed in large, oversized raincoats and wellies. I mentally dared them to try and make me wear the same. I would go absolutely crazy.

"The walk might be quite muddy Kat, you can borrow some of Char's wellies if ya like" Greg suggested. I glanced down at my favourite pair of white converse and sighed. Despite not wanting to look like a total twat, I was not going to ruin them. So I gave in and silently nodded.

The wellies that Charlotte brought out of the cupboard were even worse than I could have imagined. They looked and smelled as though they belonged to an old granny. I turned my nose as I flung my converse off and slid my feet into these disastrous pieces of footwear. I saw Jamie give me an amused look from the corner of my eye and immediately shot him a death glare. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"Right let's head off then" Greg smiled, clapping his hands together before stepping out the back door. He also had Barney with him, who he was attached to a long lead. Greg was followed by Charlotte who was clutching onto Alice's hand as she toddled along beside her mum. Jamie and Lucas hung back with me, which I wasn't overly pleased about. Why couldn't they just walk up front with their parents? I didn't need them looking out for me. I didn't want them looking out for me, but evidently they had other plans.

The six of us, and the dog, trailed down a twisty dirt road with huge muddy puddles dotted here and there. I trudged slowly behind just to be extra annoying. They had to stop and wait for me several times, each time telling me to hurry up. Jamie and Lucas had given up walking next to me soon after leaving the house and instead were walking a few feet ahead, discussing football tactics. I wanted to shoot myself.

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