Chapter Twenty Four

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That evening, I was forced to have dinner with them all as usual. Let's just say it was beyond awkward. Things were jilted behind Greg and I because of what I had revealed to him during our session and the fact I had run off afterwards. And of course, Charlotte was colder than ever towards me, but that was to be expected. Jamie was the only one who made me feel somewhat normal.

Thankfully he chose to sit next to me, which I didn't complain about. He had also moved his chair so that it was a couple of inches closer to mine. I don't think he realised that I would notice this, but I did because we were basically shoulder to shoulder. Lucas and Alice were sat opposite me, eagerly waiting for their meal.

Charlotte placed down a plate in front of us of each. It was a classic bangers and mash, but I'm pretty sure she probably spat in mine, so I was reluctant to eat it.

"Not hungry?" Greg asked from the head of the table after he had watched me pushing my dinner around for ten minutes.

"Mmm... not really..." I grumbled. I knew this would annoy Charlotte, which I didn't exactly want to do anymore. I was wary around her. I felt Jamie's eyes watching me and I quickly glanced up.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and gave him a faint smile.

I slowly pushed the plate away from me and sighed, leaning my chin on my elbow.

"Your mum called earlier" Greg announced, something I really wish he hadn't. Couldn't he have waited until we were alone?


"She says you've been ignoring her calls..."

"So?" I replied grumpily, not looking at Jamie because I know he would be giving me the sympathy look.

"She really wants to talk to you... she misses you..."

No matter how much I wanted to deny it. I had to admit I was starting to miss my mum. She had made a lot of mistakes by me but at the end of the day, she was still my mum. And I needed her, even when I told myself I didn't.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand squeeze gently on my knee. I glanced down to see Jamie's large hand placed on there, trying to reassure me. I felt another feeling of electricity as it shot up my leg. I don't know why I always felt like that around him. Perhaps I really had truly and positively fallen for him.

"I think you should call her soon" Greg said, disrupting my pleasant thoughts of Jamie. I shook my head,

"No I don't... really want to..."

"I think it's a good―"

"I said I don't want to" I snapped, lifting my head from my hand. Why couldn't he just leave it? When we were in therapy session, he knew when to stop and how far to go. Surely, he should be even more cautious in front of everyone else? Perhaps he was just frustrated because I had ended our session so abruptly.

Once again, I felt Jamie's hand wrap tightly around my knee, but this time he moved it further up. He ran his thumb along my thigh.

My heart jolted and stopped myself from jumping in surprise. Did he really have to do that when we were sat at the table with his parents? It was so awkward, even if he had the best intentions.

"Alright..." Greg sighed, dropping the subject and carrying on eating his meal. I would have thought Greg would be more hesitant around me now that he knew my darkest secret. I didn't think he'd try to embarrass me like that. Evidently, I was wrong.


"Why did you have to do that?" I asked, half laughing.

"Do what?" Jamie replied innocently, tilting his head. The two of us were now sat outside in the garden because it was an unusually warm evening. There was a small bench in the centre of the flowerbeds. The flowerbeds that were still a mess after the dreaded mud incident.

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