Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Jamie stop!" I screamed as I edged back from where the two were going at each other like crazy. By now, Jamie had rugby tackled Matt to the floor of the pub and was punching him repeatedly in the face. I didn't understand why he was being so violent. Nothing had really happened. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking.

Thankfully, two large bouncers marched over the scene and effortlessly dragged the two lads apart. Matt's nose and lip was bleeding down his face, and looked very painful. Jamie looked knackered and was breathing heavily.

"Both of you, out now! You're barred!" The bouncer barked in a gruff tone. They then led the two of them outside of the pub, leaving me totally gobsmacked as to what had just happened.

I quickly rushed over to where Jack, Ryan and Tony were stood looking just dumbfounded as they saw Jamie and Matt being taken out.

"What's happened?" Ryan asked urgently, placing down his pint.

"They had a fight!" I replied loudly, before hastily making my way through the shocked crowds and out of the exit. Outside, I found the two of them being yelled at by the bouncers, looking very worse for wears. I was still confused as to why or how that had happened.

"You come back in 'ere and I'll punch ya out myself!" One of the bouncers warned harshly before disappearing back inside. I stepped outside, feeling the other guy's presences behind me.

"What the fuck was that?" I shrieked, directing this to Jamie who looked practically untouched compared to Matt.

"Bloody hell Matt... you alright?" Tony questioned, rushing over to his beat-up friend,

"Do I look alright?!" He hissed, "It's him! He's a fucking psycho!"

All of four of them, including me, glanced over to Jamie for an explanation. I had never seen that side of him before. I just didn't make sense.

"It was him! He was being all grabby with Kat!" Jamie defended, giving his mates harsh looks. In his eyes, he was only standing up for me. But in reality, even I thought he had gone too far.

"No, I wasn't! We were dancing for fuck's sake!"

"You were touching her up!"

"Fuck off!" Matt shouted in disgust. He wasn't exactly touching me up, but I could see why Jamie had gotten jealous. Nevertheless, it wasn't a reasonable excuse for what he had done.

Jamie went to dive for Matt again, however Jack stopped him quickly by putting his arm out,

"Alright! Alright! Jamie, you've had way too much to drink... you and Kat need to just go home!" I could see Jack was the voice of reason and I had to admit I agreed with him.

"No! No I―"

"Yes Jamie... let's just go..." I sighed, piping up for the first time. I hated to think that they were all fighting because of me. I had only known them one night and now what did they think of me? It seemed like wherever I go, I managed to cause trouble. I hadn't even meant to this time though.

He shot me a surprised look before sagging his shoulders in defeat. He knew I was right.

"Fine..." He groaned, walking over to where I was. I looped my arm around his because honestly, I was still feeling quite wobbly.

"Err... nice to meet you all..." I said awkwardly, scanning over to see them all helping Matt out with his punctured face. Some of them nodded at me and waved, but didn't say anything. Great, just great. They hated me already, and within the space a few hours. I think that was a new record.


"I still don't understand why you had to hit him..." I reasoned, as Jamie and I walked down the now deadly quiet street towards the house. He mumbled something under his breath and I couldn't help but frown,

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