Chapter 7

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"What are you doing?" I questioned.

I felt a little startled by his beautiful body. I hope he didn't think we were going to do something. My heart beat fast and I was scared.

He looked confused by my shocked expressions and said that he was getting too hot.

Even after some slight relief when he put on a thin singlet, my body did feel a little incomplete and I think I wanted him to do something. I wanted him to want to do something.

He sat back down under the blankets, gently placing my head back on his strong shoulders. We watched the movie, and joined in with my slurred and drunken rendition of " a whole new world". The alcohol not only improved my singing jurasticly but also made me very sleepy and I fell asleep, drooling onto Finn's shoulder.

The end credits were rolling when Finn moved slightly, waking me up. I grunted and yawned, stretching my arms avoiding Finn's face.

"If you wanted to you could sleep in here" He shyly whispered and after a slight pause he added " with me"

Even Drunk New Liv was ready for a proper rest from the constant sexual tension, so she staggered out of Finn's room to her own, down the hallway, after politely turning down Finn's appetising offer.

After at least 5 minutes of fiddling with the lock of my room, I felt a huge release of anger and anxiety when the key clicked into place and the door opened into my room. I closed the door and placed my key on the little table that the fan sat on. I looked at my bed, hungrily. Too tired to bother, I messily stuffed my clothes back into the suitcase and without closing it. I pushed it to the edge of my bed and let it drop down the side, the floor was covered in clothes and I couldn't care. I started taking off clothes and was down to just my panties when there was a furious beating on my door. I put my dress back on and investigating the incessant knocking.

"Zoe" I said, sleepily. Only barely making eye contact with her before I started staring longingly at my bed. Luckily my sleepiness wasn't very important because Zoe wasn't talking TO me but AT me. She needed someone to tell the glorious details of the last couple of hours and I wasn't about to interrupt her. Though she was speaking very quickly I did catch two things:

She and Casper had sex. And it was great. Those were the two things that she repeated to herself, as if she couldn't believe what she'd done. She was excited and she wanted to tell me so much but after about 15 minutes she left about as quickly as she arrived.

" I've got to go back, he'll be wondering where I am" she squealed out of sheer childish excitement.

I said good bye and good luck. I wanted so badly to stay up waiting for updates or to talk to Louise but I was too tired. I just couldn't gather the energy. So I went to sleep, thinking about what an eventful day it had been and wanting more of them.

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