I Prayed

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"Hunter." I felt tapping on my lower back. "Hunter." Katie repeated.

"What?" I asked grumpily.

"We need to talk."

"We really don't."



"You kissed me." she said quietly.

"It was just a kiss."

"Why did you do it?"

"Doesn't matter."


"God it was just a kiss get over yourself." I told her as I stood up and I walked over to Dan who was trying to get Vega to keep her shirt on.

"He's cold Dan." Vega yelled as she tried pushing him away from her.

It was way too early for everyone to be yelling like this.

"He's not. He's fine please keep your shirt on." Dan told her.

"He's cold." she growled.

"I promise he doesn't feel it."

She stopped fighting him and she fell, he clasped with her. "I hate seeing him like this."

"I know you do. I know."

"We're not going home are we?"

"Of course we are." his eyes told me he was lying to her but she needed to hear something other than the promise of death.

"If we do get off this island can I come visit you in Pennsylvania?"

"Of course you can. I would like that a lot.. Would you mind if I visited you in Arizona?"

"I would like that."

"You guys are such idiots we aren't going to get off this stupid island." Shay and Thomas said and Dan gave them a look.

"Yeah we are." Dan told them.

"Yeah ok." they said in a pair again. 

"Guthrie should have told you that much there is no hope." Thomas said as he continued to eat the apple he's been trying to eat for what looks an hour now since the apple had browned. He finally gave up and he threw it over his shoulder. "What are we going to do about the boy?"

"We can throw him in the water." Shay suggested.

"Or we can get Katie to build a fire." Thomas said.

"You think she can make it big enough for him?"

"I guess we'll see."

"Maybe we can bury him in the sand?"

"But that might stink the place up and an animal might get to him." 

"True.. true." Shay said as he crossed his arms.  

"You're not touching my brother you animals." Vega told them as she grabbed her brother's hand.

"Vega I'm only looking out for you. Your brother is decomposing trust me you don't want to see the end result." Shay said.

She closed her eyes and she leaned into Dan's chest "I want to pick the way then."

"Alright then come up with a way by the end of the day." Shay told her.

"Shay." Dan began.

"No it's ok Dan he's right... Get Katie on the fire."

"I will." Shay told her as he stood up.

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