I Can Hear Her Heart Break

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Katie walked past me throwing the graphic novel at me and I rolled my eyes. "What was that?" Vega asked me.

"Huh?" I said.

"She just threw that at you. What's up with that?"

"Who the hell knows with her."

"Should I go ask her?"

"No. Just worry about getting everyone to their destinations. Except Brett I want him to stay with me. I can't have him traveling around alone God only knows what would happen to him if we did."

"Alright. I'll see you at dinner." she kissed the top of my head as she ran up to catch up with Dan. They both waved to me and I made my way over to Brett.

"Hey man." I told him and he looked up at me. A true child in disguise. But this is one of his very few moments. It breaks my heart to see that he is the one to break under pressure.

"Hunter?" he asked tilting his head a bit.

"Yeah buddy?"

"I want to go home."

"I know you do.."

"Are we ever going to go home?"

"You want me to be honest with you?"


"Of course we will."

Yeah. I can't have him breaking the tape again. So lies.. Lies are good.

He almost seem to not believe me but my fake words were enough to get him moving, he reached up and I grabbed his hands helping him the rest of the way. "Why are we splitting up? Isn't it safer to stay together?"

"No. Right now Brett it's not safe to stay together. We going to end up hurting one another so it's best to stay apart for a little while. We need some independence and privacy."

"Where am I going?"

"With me. Is that ok?"

"I didn't want to be alone."

"So is with me alright?"

"More than alright."

"Good because you didn't have much of a choice." I laughed.

I noticed the clearing was cleared no one was in sight other than for Brett. The fire from last night remains unlit but smoke rises slightly from it, and footprints in the sand where the only thing that ever said we were here.

Brett and I walked around the forest getting lost for just moments. In those moments of lostness we were turned around and around and around eventually we found our way to the newly renewed home. It took hours instead of the few minutes walk that it should have been. "Sorry about that." I told him but his brain was already long gone. He was smiling like a fool and he ran his fingers through his hair. He was insane but still I just saw plain ole Brett. The guy I once met on a boat who I became fast friends with. Our lives were so much alike that you were think we were twins. We both had girls that never truly loved us. Never really had anything that ever came through for us. Never had anyone looking out for us. But with Brett he has me and I will take care of him to the very end.

Hopefully his end.. Is miles and miles away from him.

"Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk. Who is it gonna be? Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk. Is it going to be you or me?" he sang as he lied down in the browning leaves cradling himself till he had wore himself out.

I was not sure how to comfort him.. I told him I was there for him if he heard me I will never know it. He never seems to remember what happens much during his long and breathtaking episodes.

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