He Saw A Queen

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My cheek felt like fire and my headache felt like a nurse just stab me with a needle. Everything felt like hell on land. Everything felt like everything was going wrong for me. Everything was just wrong here. I was wrong. I mean look at me I have nothing on the side of my face other than the blood that crusted over and the blisters that are starting to form and itch like hell. It did not help that the sun was blazing and I was experiencing a sunburn.

"Hunter!!" Vega called and I looked up she has been keeping a good eye on me like she seriously thinks I'm Guthrie. I don't need taking care off.. I'm in my twenties or at least I was when we first got here so she needs to lay off.

"WHAT!!" I yelled out. I can't believe I'm getting mad at her already and all she did was say my name. I can't help it no matter how hard I try. Something about this burn makes me bummed out all the way around.

"Come here please."

She had her back up against Dan's suitcase and she was wearing his hat making sure the bright sun stayed out of her eyes. Speaking of her eyes they shined with pride it was unbelievable how much her stomach has grown in just a few short moments.

I stood up and I sat next to her she grabbed my hand and placed it on her tummy. I felt a pressure on the palm of my hand and she looked up at me laughing. "Did you feel that?" she asked.

"Is that the baby?"




It was actually incredible to think two friends of mine are going to have a baby but it was also a sad experience because he isn't here and who knows if this baby is going to survive on this island with us. I mean it's hard enough to take care of ourselves without getting hurt now a baby. I sometimes wish Dan and Vega never fell in love it would have been an easier heartbreak to deal with.

"That's amazing Vega... What do you think it is? Boy or a girl?"

"I have no clue. I don't really care either. Either one is fine with me.."

"Boy would be easier to take care off."

"You don't know that. My brother was a hassle growing up."

"Then they calm down in their teens."

"No they don't." she laughed. "That's when they get interested in girls and they start back up again."

"We get interested in girls as soon as we see them." I laughed and she rolled her eyes. "So have any ideas for names?"

"No... Well yeah. Dan and I thought of them up a long time ago... But I might change what he wanted for a name if it's a girl."

"What did he want the girl to be named?"


"And what do you have planned for a girl?"

"Doesn't matter." she smiled. "If it's a girl I'll probably end up calling her Vienna for him."

"How do you all manage to think of a name for these kids? You guys had everything planned."

"We had a lot of time on our hands and a lot of love so we planned our non existent life together to take a load off."

"Did it help?"

"No.. It made it worst.... We would always get really quiet after we talked about our future.. We both truly didn't think we would have one but it would have been nice to have one planned if we saw anything but an island."

I slid my hand off of her stomach and I looked up at the bright blue sky and I smiled. "I bet whatever name you choose for your guys baby he will love it even if he didn't pick the name."

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