Author's Note

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Guys sadly this is a crazy month for me it's filled to the brim so I'm putting this book on hold till Christmas or till the month of January. (Please don't hate me but I have a good excuse for doing this).

It's exam week happily I learned it's only 2 days friday and Monday. But it consists of 20% of my grade and 3 tests a day. 20% is really high right? That sounds high.
It's a lot of semester knowledge.
I really hate this time of the year :/ too many freaking tests and a huge waste of my time.

On a happier note this morning I created a new fanfic it's called 12 Days of Me and You Under The Mistletoe (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) This book consist of only 12 chapters (hence 12 days.. Like the 12 days of Christmas) but since it's finals week even that book is gonna be a little hectic with the scheduling. But hey I got 11ish more chapters to write you know I got this. It's just a lot of late nights and cramming things. Nothing new you know :)

I want to try and reopen this book around Christmas or sometime during break but it's December which is a very busy time for me and over break I'm gonna try really, really hard to get this book, book trailer up and running. Almost done actually gotta redownload somethings, make a final decision on music, and put the layers in order then done/ finished/ and published. And I'm probably going to making one for every one of my books if I can play this out right. :) *Oh my God I can see it now the Sunflowers Never Die book trailer. Oh God that would be messed up I'm gonna cry just thinking about it.. That was 37 chapters filled with tears. There wasn't a time while writing that book that I didn't cry* XD Whoa got a little off topic there.

But anyways I'm really sorry for putting this story on hold but I simply do not have the time or enough hours in the day to work on everything I want too. I'm kinda wishing I was the Flash or Wonder Women right about now because I want to do everything. XD

So sorry again. But I do plan to unfreeze this book around Christmas or if anything in early January.

And if all goes well I'll have great/ fantastic/ amazing/ test scores, some chapters or all chapters to the new Christmas story, book trailers, and new chapters to this story when I find some time.

Wish me luck <3

And guys thank you all so much for the support you all are truly the very best <3 

If I'm not posting again by the 25 have an amazing Christmas I wish you all bundles of love and joy <3

Stay amazing you guys

Merry Christmas



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