chapter one

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Elizabeth is in her room and she's unpacking as one of her best friends walks in.

"Hey.", Camilla says as she sits on Elizabeth's bed.

"When did you get here?", Elizabeth said as she turned to Camilla.

"Well, my fridge was empty so I came over here, but your fridge is empty too.", Camilla said as she took out her phone and unlocked it. "So, Lizz, remember how we told Grayson we'd be there for his birthday bash, Ethan didn't want us going because of the whole thing between us?"

Elizabeth turned back to her last suitcase, "What about it?"

"He just texted me and said he wanted to meet up during the party.", Camilla said as she threw her phone a few inches away from her.

"Are you gonna go?", Elizabeth asked as she got up to put a pair of shoes under her bed.

"I don't know because you know I never stopped with my crush on him, but he took advantage of me the time we hooked up.", Camilla said as she followed Elizabeth with her eyes. "He knew I really liked him."

"Maybe," Elizabeth said as she sat with Camilla, "he changed and he knows he messed up."

Camilla shrugged her shoulders. Then, Elizabeth got a text. Elizabeth got up and grabbed her phone that she left next to her bag.

"Who's it from?", Camilla asked as she got up to go towards Elizabeth.


Grayson: hey so you coming tonight right?

Me: duh why would I miss your 16th birthday bash?

Grayson: idk lol but maybe you and Cam can stay the night

"He wants us to stay the night!", Elizabeth bursted. Camilla let out a gasp.

Me: for what? just to clean for you

Grayson: Lizz come on, you know I wouldn't do that, I mean I kinda wanna be with you, the party will end at 12, I paid a few nerds to clean up afterwards

Me: oh okay then yeah I'll tell my mom

Grayson: cool but I kinda wanted to talk to you about something

Me: is it bad?

Grayson: no you're good

Me: so where will we sleep

Grayson: you can sleep with me

Then, Camilla's phone got a notification.

"Its from Ethan, he said that I should sleep with him.", Camilla said.

"Dude, should I ask if we can get there a little early to set up with them?", Elizabeth asked as Elizabeth looked at Camilla.

Camilla nodded and Elizabeth went back to her phone.

Me: you think Camilla and I can come a little early so we can help you set up?

Grayson: come right now, its only 3 p.m. we can set up then wait for people to get here.

Elizabeth looked up at Camilla and said, "He said we should go right now."

Camilla said, "I'm going to get my stuff and we'll get ready there." Elizabeth nodded and walked Camilla out.

When she came back up to her room, she grabbed a black tight dress and her light jean jack with some red air maxes. Then, went back on her phone.

Me: Camilla is getting ready and im getting my outfit ready

Grayson: want us to pick you up?

Me: no its cool, ima drive

Grayson: can you wear that dress I like

Me: the tight black one?

Grayson: yeah

Me: I was gonna wear that anyway lol

Grayson: good! Also the DJ isn't gonna get here till 5 but I told everyone to come at 6

Me: oh then your good

Grayson: yeah but is your stupid unworthy boyfriend coming?

Me: how many times do I have to tell you!? we aren't together!! Were just friends!

Grayson: I wish my friends kiss me like that

Me: ha ha , come on you know he's nothing compared to you

Grayson: is he coming?

Me: he told me he had a family event to go to so no I don't think so

Grayson: okay good because I want to talk to you without interruptions

Camilla's name comes on top of the screen, Elizabeth clicked on it.

Camilla: are you ready?

Me: come in

"I'm already here.", Camilla said as she walked in suddenly.

Elizabeth jumped. "Grayson thinks Alex and I are together."

"Do you blame him?", Camilla said as she set down her bags on Elizabeth's bed.

"You too?", Elizabeth said as she turned to Camilla and scowled at her.

"Dude, he holds your hand anytime you walk together, kisses you whenever you leave his side...", Camilla said as she looks through her phone, "like come on."

"Alex is just a friend."

"Yeah, okay.", Camilla as she locked her phone and tucked it away.

"So...", Elizabeth said.

"What?", Camilla asked.

"Ethan?", Elizabeth said as she began to tuck away her phone.

"Oh! I'll tell you once we get there.", Camilla responded.

Then, Elizabeth got another text from Grayson.

Grayson: you there?

Me: yeah sorry I was talking to Camilla

Grayson: oh okay its cool

Me: so we'll be on our way any sec now

Grayson: okay cool
Grayson: see you in a little

Me: okay
Me: wait Grayson

Grayson: what's up?

Me: I would pick you over Alex any day
Me: you should know

Grayson: really?

Me: yeah, you are just wayyyy better than him at everything

Grayson: like?

Me: don't get me started

Grayson: damn!

Me: I'll be at your house in a few

Grayson: okay cool later alligator

Me: I'll see you in a while crocodile


Me: stoop
Me: I promise you , you will forever be my priority. Always

Grayson: same princess

"Awe. He called you princess!", Camilla bursted.

"I know.", Elizabeth said as she rolled her eyes.

"You ready?", Camilla asked as she got up and gathered her things.

Elizabeth nodded and got her dress and shoved it into an empty Nike sports bag and got a pair of extra sandals from under her bed. Went to her closet and grabbed a big T-shirt.

"I have an extra pair of shorts for you to sleep in.", Camilla said as she adjusted herself and the weight of the bags.

"Okay, let's go.", Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth swing her bag over her shoulder and runs downstairs. Out the door to her car.

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