chapter fifty

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"Okay, babe," Elizabeth said as she ran downstairs to her boyfriend with her backpack, in the kitchen, "Travis should be here any second."

Elizabeth ran up to him and kissed him.

"Can I stay?", Grayson asked.

"Yeah, my mom won't be here for another 4 hours, so yeah.", Elizabeth said as she took a sip from Grayson's cup of Orange Juice.

"Okay.", Grayson said he stood up too hug her.

They hug and kiss. A honk goes off.

Elizabeth says, "Hm.", as she pulls away from the kiss and says, "That's him."

She makes her way to the door.

"Wait!", Grayson yells as he ran to her.

She was opening the door and he caught before she left.

"Yeah?", Elizabeth asked.

"I love you.", Grayson said as he grabbed her hand.

Elizabeth smiled and kissed him, "I love you too."

She ran outside and hopped into his car.

"Hey, Travis.", Elizabeth said as she adjusted her seat.

"You look amazing.", Travis comments.

She smiled and asked, "Which library are we going to?"

"The one that is right across the street from the place went to on our date.", he answered.

"Oh okay.", she said.

"So, how was your morning?", Travis asked as he looked at her stopped at a red light.

"It was okay, how about you?", she asked.

"It was good.", he answered. She nodded. "So, do you have the books?"


"I don't understand how you are a sophomore taking and passing trigonometry.", Travis said.

She laughed, "I know, but I really love math."

He laughed with her and kept driving.

Elizabeth's house

"So you guys are okay?", Camilla asked as she laid on the couch with Grayson with Ethan by her side and Chris and Veronica cuddling on the next couch over.

"Yeah, and I... uh...", Grayson said, shyly, as he looked down.

"What?", Chris asked.

"I'm not a virgin."

They all begin to cheer.

"Alright man!", Chris said as he got up and shook his hand.

They all laugh.

The door swings open and they hear laughter.

It was Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bryant.

"Hey guys!", Mrs. Bryant yelled.



"Where is my child?", Mrs Bryant asked.

"Studying with Travis.", Chris answered.

"Oh that's right.", she responded as she walked into the kitchen. Mrs. Johnson followed.

"How was it?", Ethan asked.

"It was amazing, I mean her skin was so soft and the way her fingers felt rushing through my hair was unbelievable and-"

"Alright, I'll call you!", Mrs. Bryant yelled from the kitchen as Mrs. Johnson ran out.

"Bye, guys.", she says leaving.

"Bye!", they all said together.

"Okay," Mrs. Bryant said as she ran in, "you and Elizabeth had sex?!"

Grayson immediately got red.


"Oh, come on, Gray! Grow a pair!", she yelled.

Everyone started laughing.

"Okay, well-"

"They had sex last night!", Camilla yelled.

"Dude!", Grayson yelled.

Mrs. Bryant's jaw dropped.

"No! Oh my gosh! Yay for you, Gray!", she says as she nudged Grayson.

"Yeah, dude be happy.", Chris added.

"I know, I am, but-"

"But what? You got what you wanted.", Veronica said.

"Grayson, what's wrong?", Ethan asked.

"It's just-"

Then, the doorbell rang.

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