chapter forty-six

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Elizabeth barges into her house and throws the door shut.

"Baby, what's wrong?", Mrs. Bryant asks as she throws the book she was reading and takes off her glasses.

"Grayson's wrong -- everything is wrong!", she as she runs up the stairs. She wipes her tears on the way.

"Elizabeth!", she says as she watches Elizabeth leave.

Elizabeth threw her things in the ground in her room and threw herself on her bed and cried for 5 minutes before her mom came.

Grayson's Back House

"I don't know what I'm doing.", Grayson said.

"You guys wanna go talk to her?", Chris asked as Veronica and Camilla came from the kitchen.

They nodded and Chris gave them his keys.

Camilla took them and kissed Ethan. Veronica kisses Chris' cheek and walked out with Camilla.

"You basically broke up with her.", Ethan said as he threw Chris a bottle of Gatorade.

Chris catches the bottle and says, "Yeah, I don't know why, but you did."

Grayson grunts and sits down on the couch in frustration.

"Why did you say that?", Ethan asked.

"It just came out.", Grayson yelled.

"How did the argument even start?", Chris asked as he opened his Gatorade.

"I found out about her and Travis."

"They went on one date.", Chris pointed out.

"You knew?", Grayson asked as he turned his attention to Chris.

"It was one date, dude! You threw a girl that could be the mother to your children away for jealousy?", Chris said as he got up and walked into the kitchen.

Grayson followed him with his eyes and then turned to Ethan, who was on his left.

He sighed and dropped his head.

"What do I do now?", Grayson asked.

Elizabeth's house

Elizabeth was face down in her bed, crying. Camilla knocked on the door.

Elizabeth sat up and began to make her way to the door.

When she opened the door she saw Camilla and Veronica. She broke down and cried in Camilla's arms.

"He broke up with me over something that happened over a year ago.", Elizabeth whispered.


Grayson's Back House


"Ugh, I don't know what to do. Can you guys just please help me?", Grayson asked as he began to pace back and forth in the living room.

"There's a lot you should do, so why don't we start with what not to do if she does take you back.", Ethan said as he replaced himself into Grayson's seat.


Elizabeth's room


"And then, what happened?", Camilla asked as her, Elizabeth and Veronica sat in her room eating ice cream while listening to Ed Sheeran's song, One.

"Well, that's when we noticed you guys were listening.", Elizabeth said as she stuffed her face with Cookie Dough ice cream.

"Would you take him back?", Veronica asked.

Elizabeth looked up at her and looked back down and said, "I don't know...''. Elizabeth's phone begins to ring. "It's Grayson. He's been calling ever since."

30 minutes pass

"I'll be fine.", Elizabeth said, "I just want to listen to Ed Sheeran and cry.", Veronica smiled. "Zendaya would know exactly what do, right now."

She drops her head down and begins to think of times that Camilla, her and Zendaya were little and would play Tea Parties in her room and laugh. Elizabeth comes back to reality and grabs her phone and headphones and blast her music so loud, Camilla and Veronica can hear it perfectly. She drops down and throws herself on her bed.

Camilla looks down and looks at Veronica. Veronica looked back at her.

"You guys should go to your boyfriends. They care. That means more than my situation.", Elizabeth says as she looks over at them and takes one ear bud out.

"We don't want to leave you here.", Veronica said.

"No... I just would rather be alone.", Elizabeth said as she sat up.

"I swear it will get easier.", Camilla said as she hugged Elizabeth, tightly.

"...I know.", she said as she hugged Camilla back. Camilla let go and Veronica came in for a hug. Elizabeth stepped up and hugged her tightly and said, "I'm sorry about the whole v card thing, I promise you I will make up for it."

Veronica laughs and said, "It's okay, really. You don't have to anymore."

"No, I want to, the last thing I want to do is ruin your happiness just because I lost mine.", Elizabeth said as she let go of Veronica. Veronica let go and smiled.

Mrs. Bryant came to them and said, "I'll walk you ladies out."


"Later, babe.", Camilla said as her and Veronica walked out.

Elizabeth threw herself on her bed and stuffed the head phones in, then stared at an old photo of her and Grayson.


Grayson's Back House


"What did she say before you caught her taking her things back?", Ethan asked.

"To follow my heart."

Chris and Ethan stared, blankly, at him.

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