chapter twenty-nine

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Monday 5:29 p.m.

"The guys should be here any sec.", Veronica said as she walked down stairs to find Camilla on the couch. "Where's Lizz?"

"Here!", Elizabeth called from the kitchen.

Veronica walked into the kitchen.

"Soda?", Elizabeth offered as she grabbed herself a soda. She opened it and sipped it, then set it down.

Veronica shook her head as Camilla walked in and stood beside her.

"Nervous?", Camilla asked as she ate a grape that Elizabeth set out by the fridge.

"So nervous.", Veronica responds.

"Don't be," Elizabeth said as she took a grape, "Chris is really nice."

Elizabeth tried handing her a grape, but Veronica wouldn't take it.

"No, thank you, but thanks for letting me into your crew.", Veronica said.

"Oh yeah, no problem.", Elizabeth said.

"If it wasn't for you guys, I probably would be admiring Chris instead of dating him.", Veronica said as she looked down.

"Just glad we caught before Emily could.", Camilla said as she took out her phone.

Veronica laughs. They hear Elizabeth's front door open.

"Mom?", Elizabeth asked as she walked into the living room.


Elizabeth saw her mom and said, "Hey, so the girls and I are going bowling."

Mrs. Bryant sets down her bags and walks into the kitchen and says, "With the guys?"

"Yeah.", Elizabeth said, following her.

"Hey, Mrs. Bryant.", Camilla said.

"Hey, Camilla, how's your- oh hi," she says as she approached Veronica, "I'm Elizabeth's mom."

"I'm Veronica.", Veronica responds as she stuck out her hand.

They shook hands and she walked out to get her bags and Mrs. Bryant said, "So who's going?"

"Us, Gray, Ethan, Chris-"

"You're dating Chris?", Mrs. Bryant asked Camilla as she walked back into the kitchen.

"No, she is.", Camilla said, pointing at Veronica.

"Wow, he's finally over Emily?", she asked.

"We sure hope so.", Elizabeth said.

"Finally, who else?", Mrs. Bryant added.

"Zendaya and Kian are meeting us there.", Elizabeth added.

"What's up with them? Is she getting lucky?", Mrs. Bryant asked.

"How do you know all this?", Veronica asked.

"Lizz and I are really close.", Mrs. Bryant said.

"Oh, but no, from what I've seen.", Camilla added.

They hear three honks.

"The boys are here.", Camilla said.

They grabbed their bags that they left in the living room. They walk out and as they do Elizabeth yells, "Bye, mom."

"Bye, Mrs. Bryant!", Camilla yelled walking out.

"Nice meeting you!", Veronica yelled.

"Bye-bye!", Mrs. Bryant yelled.

The girls walked out and Grayson was waiting in his Range Rover 2014, Chris was waiting for Veronica in his Mercedes-Benz Coupe 2015, and Ethan was waiting for Camilla in his Escalade 2015 Hybrid. They all got into their cars and drove off.

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