chapter forty-three

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3:09 p.m. @ the Dolan's back house.

"Babe!", Elizabeth shouted to Grayson.

Grayson turned off the water coming from the sink, walked out of the kitchen and saw Elizabeth on the couch and asked, "Yeah?"

He grabbed a hand towel and wiped his hands as he sat by Elizabeth.

"She texted me the picture.", she said as she passed her phone to Grayson.

"Let's do it.", Grayson said.

He helped Elizabeth up and walked away, Elizabeth pulled him back and kissed him.

"What was that for?", he asked.

"Just cause.", she said with a smile.

They walk into the halls and grab blankets.

"Wait, wouldn't she rather want it on a bed?", Grayson asked as he threw the blankets on the couch.

"I'll call her.", Elizabeth said. She takes out her phone and begins to dial Veronica's number.

V- "Hello?"

E- "Hey, so where do you want it to be?"

Grayson walks into the closest room.

E- "Wouldn't it be better in a room?"

V- "Yeah, but at least put rose petals leading to the room."

E- "Okay."

She hung up the phone and turned around. She looked around for Grayson and then, walked into the other room. She found Grayson changing his shirts.

She walked in and asked, "Why must you do this when I'm around?"

"You can change too. I might just move in here, so I put everything that you had in my room, in here.", he said as he walked over to his closet.

"Wait, you want to move here?", she asked as he slid on his shirt.

"Well, yeah, it's more privacy, you know?", he said as he fixed his hair in front of his mirror.

She walked up from behind and hugged him from behind.

"Shouldn't I be doing this?", he asked.

"Then, do it.", she said as she walked in front of him.

He hugged her from behind while kissing her neck. He stopped and grabbed his phone and passed it to Elizabeth.


"Take pictures, it's the perfect instagram post.", he said going back to her.

She laughed and took the photos.

"Okay," she said as she gave him his phone back, "we should start the whole thing for Chris and V."

"Yeah.", he said as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"I'll go to the store and get some roses-"

"I'll go with you.", Grayson said as Elizabeth turned to him.

"Okay, let's go.", she said, walking out into the living room and opening the front door.

Grayson follows her and grabs the keys to his car and leading the way out.

He grabs her hand and says, "I'm just gonna grab something from my room."


"So, here are the keys and my phone, go inside my car.", he said letting go of her hand passing her his stuff.

She walks away and he pulls her back and kisses her.

"Must you always kiss me dramatically?", she asked as they backed away.

"Just in case, you never know when your last kiss is going to be.", he says walking into the house.

She walks out through the gate and unlocks his car. She steps into the driver's seat and sits in there, waiting for Grayson's return. She hears a phone ring. She looks through her things and finds her phone and no one was calling her.

The ringing goes on and she realized it was Grayson's phone. She looks at it and it stops ringing. Caller ID was "Unknown"

She was tempted to slide it open and find out what he's been doing. She stared at the phone until it got a new notification. She looked at it and saw it was a voicemail from the "Unknown" caller.

She slid it open and it had a password.

"Fuck.", she whispers. She tried to enter it so many different times, she disabled it.

She saw him coming. She threw his phone in the back seat. He approached the passenger seat.

He opened the door and said, "Hey, baby, you ready?"

"Mhm, let's go.", she says as she puts the keys in the ignition.

"Where's my phone?", he asked as she drove out of the driveway.

"Hm? Oh, I don't know.", she said.

"Baby...?", he said.

"Hm?", she said, staring at the road, but turning her head towards him.

They hit bump and then, heard his phone thud across the back seats.

"Is that my...", he said as he turned around and picks up his phone from the seat, he turns to Elizabeth and asks, "Why is my phone disabled?"

"Hm?", she said, turning her head back onto the road, "Oh! That... yeah... um... I don't know... you um... you must have left it like that because I-"

"Baby, if you wanna go through my phone tell me.", he said.

"I didn't, I just wanted to um... check the weather!", she said as scratched her neck nervously.

"The weather?", he asks as she nods, "Couldn't you have just checked on your phone?"

"What is this 21 questions? I feel like I'm being interrogated!"

"Well, you wouldn't have to be interrogated if you just trusted me!", he yells as he begins to get angry with her.

"Trust? You're saying I should trust you?"

"Yes, Lizz! I've done nothing, but try and earn your trust and you disable my phone and can't even admit it!"

"I didn't go through your phone!"

They stop at a red light.

He looked at her and asked, "Oh, you didn't? Then, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't!"

She looked over at him, let go of the wheel and sighed. "I'm sorry, I just --  someone called you and left a message and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anyone that I need to be worried about."

"Baby, I've been wanting you for years now, you really think I'm going to screw the only chance I got and wanted since the 5th grade?"

"I should have trusted you, I'm-", he kissed her.

They back away and she finishes her sentence by saying, "...sorry."

They laugh and look back on the road. The light turned green and they made a left to enter Ralphs parking lot.

A Dolan FantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora