chapter twenty-seven

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They got to Elizabeth's car.

"I'll drive.", Grayson said as he walked ahead of everyone.

Elizabeth threw him her keys.

"Looks like we'll have to squeeze.", Camilla said.

Elizabeth and Camilla turned to Veronica and smiled.

"Camilla can sit on me.", Ethan offered.

"No, I think Veronica and Chris should lap it-"

"No, its cool.", Ethan said, interrupting Elizabeth as he got into the car.

Elizabeth got into the passenger seat as Grayson got into the driver's seat.

Ethan slid in and patted his lap. Camilla slid in sat on him. Next, was Veronica. Lastly, Chris.

Veronica and Chris asked where they should go for their first date.

"Movies?", Ethan suggested.

"That's more of a place to hook up, don't you think?", Chris replied.

"Actually, Lizz and I are going on a date tonight, why don't you come with?", Grayson asked as he started the car.

"Are you sure?", Veronica asked.

"Yeah, we don't want to budge in or anything.", Chris added.

"Yeah, why don't we all go?", Grayson asked.

Camilla and Ethan nod their heads.

"Where should we go?", Ethan asked.

"Maybe we can take Veronica to one of our places.", Chris offered.

"You guys have a place?", Veronica asked.

"Yeah," Chris said as he turned to her, "like a place where we hang out."

She nods and looks back on the road. Chris stays looking at her and admiring her.

Ethan and Camilla are smiling at each other.

Elizabeth looks over at Grayson. He is watching the road and places his hand on Elizabeth's leg. Elizabeth smiles and grabs his hand.

He looked over at her and smiled. He looks back at the road.

Veronica's phone begins to ring.

She digs for it in he bag and when she finds it, she says, "Sorry, it was my mom."

Camilla laughed. They pull up to Chris' house and parked in the driveway.

Everyone took their time on getting out.

Grayson and Elizabeth joined hands when they got out and Camilla and Ethan laughed all the way to the door. Chris just admired her.

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