chapter twenty-four

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Emily was roaming the halls as Elizabeth, Camilla and Veronica were too.

They ran into each other.

"Well, well, well," Emily said as she approached Elizabeth.

"What do you want?", Camilla asked.

"Just wanna let the new girl know, " she said as she turned to Veronica, "that unless she wants a horrible reputation, she might wanna leave the group that she's in."

"I'm fine with who I'm with.", Veronica said.

Emily faked a smile and looked at Elizabeth, "You tell your beast of a boyfriend to leave my man alone."

"Which one?", Elizabeth asked.

"Ha ha. Look, do it or we're gonna have some serious issues.", Emily said.

"Not as serious as what you have going on down there in your... you know... cooch.", Elizabeth said.

Emily rolled her eyes and said, "Lizz, you're such a smart ass."

"Why don't you tell your pig to leave Grayson alone?", Elizabeth asked.

"If you don't, shit will go down.", Camilla said.

Veronica said, "Worse then it already is, whether it's with the boys or-"

"Or with us.", Elizabeth added.

"Is that a threat coming from one of Mrs. Hallow's representatives?", Emily said.

"More like a warning.", Elizabeth explains.

"Now, go... run along to someone who hasn't been inside your black hole of a vagina.", Camilla said as she walked away. Elizabeth and Veronica followed.

Emily scoffed and walked away.

Veronica says, "My first argument at my high school and I loved it."

"Such a young, wild soul.", Camilla said sarcastically.

"We used to be like that.", Elizabeth said.

"Last year.", Camilla adds.

"Before high school.", Elizabeth said as she laughed.

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