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Peta's POV

I'm coming to surprise Maks during SWAY tonight! And i get to announce that i'm pregnant. I hope he takes it well. Sharna's going to help me surprise everyone!

Sharna grabs the mic, "So today we have a very special surprise and two surprise guests! Please welcome my best friend, Peta Murgatroyd!"

Maks runs and spins her around, "Hey babe, I missed you!!!"

Peta giggles, Well the two of us missed you!"

"Wait, two? You mean there is a baby in there?" Maks points to Peta's stomach. 

Sharna pushes the two apart, "Yes Maks. That's what being pregnant means, ya big goof"

Peta kisses Maks, "Surpise!"

"OMG, we'll be parents. Is it a girl or a boy? How far along are you?" Maks questions. 

"We have a doctors appointment tomorrow, get back to the show babe. ily" Peta hugs Maks and waves goodbye to the audience.

The audience AWWs at the cute couple as the rest of them return dancing.

7 months later, Charna Victoria Chmerkovskiy was born and there lived the happiest family ever!

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