Charna's Secret

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Sharna's POV

I know Charna's hiding something from me. She doesn't talk to me as much anymore and she's always quiet. We used to be so close.

"I'm going to my room, mom!" Charna calls

"Honey, wait. Can we talk?"

"Sure what's up"

"WHATS UP WITH ME? NO, WHATS UP WITH YOU? YOU'RE HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME" I scream, to my now trembling daughter.

"Just leave me alone" she cries and runs out the door.

Charna's POV

I can't believe she did that. I don't want her to see me like this, I want to make her proud. She can't know. I ran across the street to Aunt Jenna's. I need to tell her.

I knock and Jenna answers. She sees me crying and immediately pulls me in. After 10 minutes she asks me whats wrong. I told her about the fight with mom.

"And I'm bullied in school. I don't wanna tell Mama because I don't want her to know I'm hurting. I can't cry in front of her, I have to be strong and make her proud. So I kept it all to myself, and then-"

I rolled up my sleeve to show Aunt Jenna the cuts. 

Jenna gasps, "Char, no. Why? You need to tell your mom she can help you"

I cried even more and my Mom stormed in, "CHARNA MARKOV-"

She saw me crying. I'm too weak. I need to stop. 

"Sorry Mom, I'm okay"

Jenna pipes in, "Actually she's not"

She grabs my arm and rolls up my sleeve. My mom cries, "No, no baby. Why?"

I told her everything while she was hugging me. I told her I didn't want to let her down so I kept it in.

"I'm so so sorry, baby girl. I'm gonna help you. You're stronger than those bullies and I love you"

I spent the rest of the night happy in my mother's arms.

not my best, but i hope you like it! PSA i cried while writing this


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