We're In This Together

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"Oh my god." Sharna's hand flew up to her mouth, tears brimming in her eyes. A little pink test was gripped tightly in her other shaking hand, the bold positive sign showing prominently. "How? Why now?" She cried out, pressing her palm gently into her mid section. There is a baby in there, a child that she does not know who the father is.

"I need to breathe.." She said, standing and rushing to her bedroom. She was starting to have a panic attack. Who could it be? She took a deep inhale in, and exhaled out, feeling herself return back to her normal, happy self.

She grabbed her cell phone and quickly dialed her best friend, "Peta, I need you to come over now!"

Within a matter of seconds, Peta arrived. She wasn't sure the occasion so she had dragged along ice cream, disney movies, punching bags, blankets, and coffee.

"Thank you, but I won't be needing most of that" Sharna said hesitantly, as she embraced her friend.

She sat down on the couch and started to tear up.

Peta nodded, "Talk babe"

Sharna just simply put a hand over her stomach, and silently cried. Peta pulled her friend into her embrace.

"It's ok, love. I'm here. You'll be a great, Mom." Peta smiled reassuringly.

"I don't know who's it is. It could be Paul, we just broke up. It could be Nyle. We just got together" Sharna whispered.

"Shar, do the math. It can't be Paul's. It should make you happier that you know it's Nyle's. You were meant for each other, and you trust him" Peta cooed, still holding her best friend.

"I know..it's just terrifying. What if he doesn't want this child?" She whispered, her mind running a thousand miles a minute.

Peta rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. "Well, if he doesn't, which I'm pretty sure he will love this baby just as much as you, I'm always here for you babe."

"Thank you so much P, I wouldn't know what I would do without you." Sharna replied, holding up her mint chocolate chip ice cream into the air. "Especially for this."

Peta laughed loudly, bringing her best friend into another hug. "You know I'll always be here for you, even if you curse me out during this entire pregnancy...you are keeping my godson or goddaughter, right?"

Sharna softly smiled, rubbing her barely there baby bump. "Yes babe, I'm keeping this little munchkin." It's as if discovering her child was in there, she magically felt the slightest curve on her mid-section. She absolutely adores this strange, yet comforting feeling. She was becoming a mother to her angel in nine months, no matter what Nyle says.

"Yes!" Peta shrieked, excited and anxious at the fact that she will be an aunt. "This may sound weird, but can I feel your stomach?" Sharna giggled as she placed Peta's hand onto her stomach gently.

"Oh my gosh, your stomach feels so different!" She gasped slowly, moving her hand around. "Ok, I may get a little sappy now but I have to say this. Hi precious, I know you probably can't hear yet, but I'm your aunt Peta. I'm going to love you so much little one, and spoil you rotten every single day. Your mom and your dad will be obsessed over you because I know in my heart and mind your daddy will be thrilled to have you. I'm making a promise to you, that I'm going to keep your mother safe and happy, no matter what happens, because I'm her best friend. And best friends, always have each other's backs."

Sharna was sobbing in pure happiness after hearing the speech Peta just gave. She had her support system, and now she cannot wait to bring her bundle of joy into the world . "I love you babe."

Peta grinned at the dancer. "I love you too Shar."

Nyle flung the door open, smiling ear to ear seeing the his two favorite people.

He signed, "My two favorite people, partners, and best friends"

Peta ran up to him and embraced him in a hug, quickly signing, "I love you, but this is an evaluation of our friendship"

Nyle hesitantly chuckled, slightly confused. He walked over to Sharna and planted a kiss on her forehead.

She looked down, and smiled. "We're pregnant" 

Nyle's eyes bulged out of his head and he smiled. He picked up his wife and kissed her multiple times, leaving one last kiss on her belly.

Sharna and Nyle signed back and forth, while P snapped some cute candids to post.

Nyle nodded his head and walked over to his partner. 

He signed, "Did I pass?"

Peta and Sharna laughed and signed back, "Of course"


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