Meeting Day

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dedicated to my beautiful dance10halliecharnamarkovna mickeyrose930 sk8tergurl14 nrcdancer dwtslovlies missbasicdwts dance10charlotte A_FandomQueen

Marissa's POV

"Ugh Hallie, pick up!" I yelled at my computer screen, waiting for my internet best friend to answer my call.

"Hey hey" a face popped on my screen and I instantly smiled.

"HALLIE GUESS WHAT" I screamed into the computer

Hallie laughed, "What Rissa?"

"Soooo I'm coming to Allentown this weekend with my family-"

"OKAY IM GONNA MEET YOU OMG OMG YAYYY" Hallie did a happy dance through the screen.

"Exactly. So, my mom said we are going to this outdoor mall in Allentown and I have the whole afternoon to myself. So you should come"

Hallie smiled, "My mom's listening. She said I could come! I'm so excited!"

I cannot wait for this weekend, "Oh, I hope you don't mind that Mickey's gonna join us too. She lives like twenty minutes away from me and I know we want to meet her so my mom said she can pick her up along the way!"

Hallie smirked and spoke, "What about Char-"

"Already covered" I interrupted her as a tall blonde poked her head through the screen.

Hallie shrieked, "CHARNA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Charna jumped up from behind me, "Rissa invited me to come too, but my parents wouldn't be able to drive me so I'm sleeping over her place for a few nights"

"THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN OMG" Hallie shouted as Charna and I laughed.

"We tried to get Emmi to come from Canada but there weren't any flights" I continued. (actually Emmi just won't buy a plane ticket-I gave her six flights that came into NJ today. dwtslovlies :/ )

"Well, I gotta go. See you in two days!!!" Hallie smiled as her screen went black.

"EEEEEEEEK" Charna and I screamed as we were finally meeting our best friends.


Two Days Later

Charna and I piled into my mom's car as we watched reruns of season 18 dwts. The car pulled to a stop and Char texted Mickey to say we were here.

Mickey ran out of her house and dropped her luggage as we ran to give her a hug. We fell on the floor laughing and crying, so happy to all be together. We piled back into the car and the conversations were endless. My mom must have been SO annoyed.

We finally got to Allentown and went to meet Hallie at the outdoor mall. We were looking ahead of us when suddenly someone jumped on Mickey's back.

"HALLIE" I screamed as we engulfed her in a hug.

"Aww I love you guys" Charna smiled as I threw my arm around Mickey.

"RISSA OMG" Mickey shouted.

"WHAT?!" I laughed as Mickey screamed again, "WE REACHED 100 ON SNAPCHAT"

Hallie smirked, "You guys are idiots"

"But we're your idiots" Mickey and I said at the same time as Charna was dying of laughter.

"Oh yeah, one more surprise for y'all. Only Charna knows this one" I laughed as Charna ran back to the car.

A tall brunette walked out as Mickey and Hallie ran into her arms, "KIMMIE HI"

Kimmie laughed and we group hugged once again, "I'm so glad we're together. Although we're missing some people "

Hallie pulled up a FaceTime with Natalie, I face timed Mia, Charna face timed Charlotte, Mickey OOVOO'd (NO IM NOT GETTING ONE dwtslovlies mickeyrose930 ) Emmi, and Kimmie skyped Abby.

We didn't shop or anything, just talked and laughed with all of our friends.

A tall girl with short blonde hair appeared behind me, "Hey Rissa"

I shrieked louder than I ever have, "HOLY SHIT EMMI YOURE HERE I CANT BELIEVE IT" I jumped into my best friends arms and cried happy tears. 

She smiled, "I finally get to meet my twinnie!"

Just then, Abby, Natalie, and Charlotte came running out, "Surprise!!" They shouted as we tackled them in hugs.

"I can't believe this! I love you guys! I miss Mia though!"

"Why do you miss me, I'm right here!" Mia popped out behind me with a smirk on her face.

"MY JOHNSON GIRL" I shouted as I hugged her, followed by the rest of the girls.

This is the best day ever!

Emmi spoke up, "So, how's this for a birthday present?"

"WHAT? How'd you all make it?"

Charna spoke up, "I talked with your mom"

I spoke up, confused, "How'd you-"

She laughed, "My mom still had your mom's phone number from the DWTS tour when she was sending the pictures"

I laughed reminiscing on the good times.

"Thank you guys for doing this, I love you all and I'm so glad we met"



//also, sorry if i forgot anyone. i literally went into my PMs and included the people i talked to most recently. i love you all <3

DWTS PromptsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon